Domino's Pizza delivery car - now with an in-car oven!
Graham Chin  22 October 2015

] ...

An electric vehicle (EV) was said to be part of the plan previously, but the
company said the that the DXP would have no time to stop for a recharge. The
cars will have a life span ranging from three to five years, after which it
will retire from its position as Domino’s pizza delivery expert.

Franchise owners can expect to purchase one at a price of somewhere between
USD$20,000 to USD$25,000, while Dominos will fully take on the engineering
costs. The company is planning to deliver 100 DXP pizza cars to 25 cities in
the US over the next three months. 
[© 2015 Driven Communications]

% ?!Seriously!?  The DXP will have to stop to be refilled with pies, the
driver take a break, and or be cleaned, etc. Obviously Domino's is very
ignorant about EVs and how quick a L3 charge is

Domino's had three years to work with GM and others to have this DXP
delivery vehicle customized for them (see links below). But the GM vehicle
platform they choose was a Spark-ice. Don't be confused by Domino's use of
the wording 'purpose-built', when it is actually a low-quantity customizing
run of Spark-ice.

The reason I post this here is not to promote their ice-choice but to ask
why didn't they do it better? Here is a small quantity run (which GM has
previous stated there is no money in small quantities), which customises one
of their GM vehicles to Domino's spec's.

Granted the Spark-ice is a low-cost higher mpg ice, but with all the PR hype
on this special-delivery-vehicle to promote Domino's sales, the flashy
paint-job self-promoting it, and the other light-show effects built into the
vehicle, ...
? Wouldn't it have been prudent to make some sort of effort to Electrify the
Domino's delivery vehicle to improve their cleaner-greener creds?

Domino's business model still has their drivers' use their own polluting
(cheap-n-dirty ice) vehicles to make deliveries. But for those franchises
that embrace this new high-mpg DXP vehicle, it would be a less-polluting
improvement (but they are not touting that). If Domino's and GM are
expending all this effort, ...
? Wouldn't it have been wise to also tap into the PR value of a having your
pie delivered by a cleaner-greener Electrified vehicle?

Problably the best (and most expensive) way would have been to use Spark
EVs, and at the franchise, assign a dedicated delivery EV parking space with
a L3 combo EVSE right next to the door for quick charging while also doing a
quick refilling the DXP with pies. Since the DXP are franchise owned, going
Electric would be less costly than the cost of chemical-fuel used and all
the ice-maintenance a Spark-ice would have. Meaning: Electric miles driven
is money saved.

BTW U.S. prices: Spark-ice $12+k, Spark-EV 25+k. So yea, it would have cost
more for each Domino's franchise to go EV. But the more EVs GM sells, the
more carbon credits (in certain states) GM can use to sell their ice
vehicles. Perhaps GM could have given a discount to Domino's franchises that
wanted a customize Spark EV.

Looking at the DXP site (URL below) the former front passenger seat area was
changed. That space could have been used for a small on-board genset/rex
unit similar to what the i3 EV offers as a option. The Domino's franchise
would have the EV street creds while ensuring they could make their 80 pie
deliveries without a L3 charge, and GM would have the carbon credits they
want. But since the purchase price would be more, it is likely Domino's
would shoot that Spark-EV idea down as well.

A new Chevy Volt pih sells for ~$34+k. So, that also makes it also too
expensive for Domino's to consider. And the quantity of these customised
Spark-ice is too low for GM to consider modifing the Spark-ice into a
cheaper version of a Volt pih.

I am going to assume that all of this is just too new, too much, or too
costly for Domino's to even consider anyrhing other than an old-school
ice-platform (they went cheap). Perhaps if this Domino's Delivery Vehicle
translates to more sales, Domino's might spring for offering a Spark-EV on
the next-gen Domino's Delivery Vehicle?
(I'm not going to hold my breath, nor let my pizza slice get cold)

I suppose I am too much a visionist: wanting and expecting more from Dominos
and GM. Explore the links below and thanks for letting me share my views
(vent/rant). %
Domino's Creates Its Own Delivery Car With GM, Google Partner
October 21, 2015  Jeff Green,Leslie Patton


The pizza chain plans to send 100 vehicles to 25 U.S. markets
Modified Chevrolet Spark [ice] with warming oven can hold 80 pizzas
 ... is working with GM to build its own fleet of custom delivery cars ...
It’s an unusual step for a company that tries to keeps costs down by
operating small storefront locations and relying on employees’ vehicles ...
The vehicles were designed over three years with input from former GM
executive Kenneth Baker, who worked on the development of that automaker’s
first modern electric car, the EV1 ...
Domino's reveals Chevy Spark-based delivery car
Oct 21st 2015 ... Dubbed the Domino's Delivery Expert (DXP), these 2015
Chevrolet Spark-based hatchbacks pack a plethora of features to provide the
perfect pie ... Underneath all the pizza-related mods, power comes from a
1.2-liter four-cylinder and CVT.
Domino's Launches Purpose-Built Pizza Delivery Vehicle
Oct. 21, 2015  ... "The Domino's DXP is the first purpose-built vehicle
aimed at revolutionizing pizza delivery," said Russell Weiner, president of
Domino's USA ... The design and production of the Domino's DXP took over
three years.  It was born out of Domino's passion for innovation and started
with a five-stage crowdsourcing competition ...
dominos dxp (uses flash)

Will the Gen 2 Volt Use the Spark EV Traction Motor Design?
Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid Derives Technology from Volt
Mar 25, 2015 ... 1.5 kWh lithium-ion battery pack provides electric power
Bosch Offers Wireless Charging For Nissan Leaf, Chevy Volt
By John Voelcker  Jun 19, 2013

Meet the Domino's pizza delivery car of the future
Katie Little | 27 Jun 2014 ... In late 2012, Domino's revealed the winner of
a contest to design a pizza delivery vehicle though the DXP looks much
Domino's picks winning Ultimate Delivery Vehicle design concept
Oct 20th 2012 ...  By early fall 2015, Domino’s expects to have 120 DXPs
ready for action at franchises across the country. While the sticker price
of the cars remains undisclosed, the DXP vehicles will have a body based on
... Chevy Spark. Some of Domino’s bigger franchisers have already purchased
up to 10 of the new delivery vehicles ...
Domino's driver was tipped $1,046 for delivering a $5.99 pizza
(Church's tip saved her from being evicted from her home)
Domino’s Pizza Interview Questions & Tips
Hiring process information for an interview at Domino's Pizza
Police: Domino's delivery driver shot armed robbery suspect
EVLN: Thief twice-stabs pizza-delivering Leaf EV owner (v)
Jan 20, 2015

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