Model S Crushed by Huge Tree – How It Actually Ended
Ovidiu Sandru  October 26, 2015


If for a while we haven’t heard of Tesla Model S crashes, deaths and
injuries, now it’s time to do so, because, you know, time takes its toll –
but in a good way, eventually.

This is the case of a woman and child traveling in a Model S when the
terrain beneath them slid and a huge tree fell on the electric car. By this
point, the two would have been killed in 99.9% of the cars out there.

But that was not the case with the Model S. The car supported the weight of
the tree and didn’t crush. Actually, the portion of the road they were on
was above a lake, and the Model S did not slide into that lake, either. It
just protected the mother and the child, just like it was designed to.

Now, this is not news for Tesla fans. The Model S broke the NHTSA crush test
machine and they also couldn’t make it flip over until they used a forklift.
The car is a tank – literally, no matter what option you ticked when you
bought it.

Another example: Jeffrey Katzenberg survived a terrible crash on Oct. 19 in
Beverly Hills in his Model S. He only broke his right arm, needed heavy
surgery but now he’s fine and publicly thanked Elon Musk yesterday for
“saving his life.”

All in all, this reminds me how important design is to a car and its owner.
If you, as a company, don’t have security in mind when you’re at the drawing
board stage, and only hope for bigger sales due to outdated gadgets and by
faking pollution tests, you only deserve your fate.

Good design, on the other hand, saves lives and makes up for better sales
than capitalizing on the brand tradition and perceived quality. You have to
earn your living each day, don’t you?
Tesla Model S Saves Woman, Child In Landslide
By Stephen Edelstein  Oct 25, 2015
Thread: Woman and child saved by the Model S in a landslide
Tesla Model S occupants survive landslide and fallen tree
[October 26, 2015]  The Norwegian newspaper site Bergensavisen reported that
a Tesla Model S was caught in a landslide outside of Bergen, Norway. The car
was pushed close to the edge of a cliff and crushed by a large tree. The
woman and child occupants survived ...
Crushed Tesla Model S Allegedly Saved Woman and Child, Proves the EV's
Safety - Photo Gallery
by Ionut Ungureanu  26th October 2015

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