We recently bought a 2013 with chademo & 6.6kw charger for $10,800 list
(plus $500 dealer charge, etc.) and are pretty happy with it.  Before
2013 there was no percentage battery charge readout on the dash.  After
2013 there was no "charge only to 80%" option.

Recent battery packs are larger, though.

Don't make the mistake that we made of thinking that the dashboard
battery health display will actually tell you the battery condition.
Apparently when the car is serviced this display can get reset to show
full health, even if that isn't true.  Instead, go armed with an
OBDII bluetooth adapter and the Leafspy app on your phone, and you can
find out the truth.  If you have a friend with a Leaf, first make sure your
adapter works and learn how to use the app.

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