I sure don’t understand this take on insurance.

Insurance is for catastrophic loss.  It is not for routine little dings
and things.  If one makes such claims, their insurance rates will be
elevated so high as to pay many times over for that initial claim.

Where did the American psyche begin to misunderstand insurence and think
that it is a piggy bank for almost anything?  That attitude is what drives
up insurance rates so high.

I learned a long time ago, even a phone call to an insurance company just
to ASK about a possible claim immediately goes ON THE RECORD and is used
to raise your rates, EVEN if you don’t make the claim.  Their response is,
well, your phone call gave us knowledge about damage, and even if you do
not claim it, it has raised your statistical risk.  Hence your increased

Actually, I called when a tree fell on the edge of my roof.  I asked about
the fence, the roof, the trim, the dent in the car, etc..  Finally decided
I could fix them all in a few hours the next weekend.  Then months later
saw my rates go up, because EACH of those questions during the SAME phone
call were counted as SEPARATE "claims".

Boy I sure would NEVER make a claim for anything not costing less than
half the price of the car...

One ends up paying insurance for about 50 years or so... and if every
nickle and dime adds to your rate over time, you would be foolish to make
such minor claims (no matter what they try to sell you on the phone)...

They are in this business for one thing.  Profit.  Don't add that by
making dimestore claims...

Sorry for the rant.  I'm sure it probably does not apply in this case.
Nothing personal....


-----Original Message-----
 When my SCOOTER not motorcycle fell over while parked on the side of the
road, the wind came along blew it over and it cracked the plastics. Well
to my SCHOCK American Family Ins. considers the Plastics as being  FARING
and is not covered under the standard policy.!! I said I don't have an
added handle bar Farings, crash bars, etc..  the little trunk on the back
got somewhat cracked, but I guess thats an "add-on".  I said the plastics
are where you put your Feet, and where you Sit and the Scooter come from
the  Factory that way as a whole stock bike!!  Again American Family Ins.
said "Its FARING its not covered" !!  you'll have to get extra coverage
for that ...   Check with your insuance company to make sure Standards
Plastics are covered!! This could apply to fiber glass bodies on 2 and 3
wheeled Evs . Or maybe even Kit Cars where the Non stardard passenger
sitting or covers are involved .

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