Piped natural gas helped end much coal use

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 9:19 PM, lektwik via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> EVDL Folks...
> I debated whether to tag this as OT or not. Could be considered political I
> suppose if you _must_ separate an interest in EVs from conscious
> stewardship of the environment. To me, it couldn't be more -on topic-.
> Yes, I just pulled the following quote from another thread for use here-
> Lee Hart wrote:
> >Once upon a time, everyone burned coal in factories, businesses, and homes
> for heating and cooking. City air quality was often atrocious. There were
> even some epidemics and mass deaths as a result.
> I remember my grandparents using coal, at least into the late 1950's. But
> somehow, it all stopped rather suddenly. I was too young to know why or how
> this was achieved.
> What caused the sudden change? And, could that same effect happen again, to
> bring us to a "tipping point" so encourage a rapid change from coal and oil
> to cleaner technologies?<
> ____________
> Reading this made me think about the great EV-related stories Lee has
> written over the years. This seems like a good start on an outline for the
> next great Lee Hart story! :-)
> Being the Holiday Season, it is always time to bring these classics to the
> folks that may not have had the pleasure of reading them before.
> A Christmas Car, By Lee Hart
> http://www.evdl.org/pages/xmascar.html
> And... It took me a while to find this one-
> How The Grinch Sold Green-ness, by Lee A. Hart
> http://www.davesevs.com/grinch.htm
> More here-
> http://www.evdl.org/lib/index.html#ifun
> Happy New Year!
> Roy LeMeur
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