How Bad Was Nissan Dealer When Buyer Wanted A Leaf Electric Car? THAT Bad
Dec 16, 2015  John Voelcker

2016 Nissan Leaf

Five years after the first modern mass-market electric car launched, stories
of recalcitrant car dealers continue to surface from buyers.

Walk into a dealership, explain that you want to buy an electric car ... and
then endure a litany of reasons why you don't.

But a meticulously documented, amusing written log of all the misery
involved in discussions with a particularly unhelpful Nissan dealer focuses
new light on the problem.

In a CleanTechnica article last week titled, "The 2016 Nissan Leaf Is Out!
(Don't Tell Anyone)," writer Chris Dragon lays it all out in gory detail.

You should read the piece yourself, but the high points of his quest to buy
a 107-mile 2016 Nissan Leaf include:

    Rote responses to specific questions that always ended with a demand
that the buyer come into the dealer for a test drive

    Spam e-mails for unrelated vehicles and services

    Incorrect information on availability and production dates

    Inconsistent and unavailable Leaf information on dealer websites

    A Leaf specialist "out to lunch" at 5 pm

    Insistence on obtaining contact information before any discussions could

And there's more. In the end, Dragon bought a used Tesla Model S instead.

Green Car Reports reached out to Nissan North America for its comments on
the dealer's behavior.

Paige Presley, from the EV and Technology Communications group, sent the
following statement:

While we are genuinely disappointed whenever any consumer walks into a
Nissan dealership and has a less-than-positive shopping experience, we
believe that this instance is an exception to the rule.

Sales consultants at Nissan dealers go through extensive training to become
LEAF-certified, so that they’re able to help shoppers fully understand all
of the benefits of owning an electric vehicle. Nissan also conducts mystery
shops at its dealerships to evaluate the overall shopping experience, and
based on our research overall performance has improved since last year.

Shipping of the new 2016 Nissan LEAF from Nissan’s Vehicle Assembly Plant in
Smyrna, Tennessee, began in November, and because shipping times to
California are among the longest in the country, many dealers on the west
coast did not have units arrive until later in the month.

In this type of situation, it is not unusual for sales consultants to offer
the previous model year as an alternate option for shoppers.

The ongoing battles between Tesla Motors and state auto-dealer lobbyists
have focused new public attention on the fact that it's illegal for an
automaker to sell a car directly to a buyer.

Instead, those lobbyists have convinced elected representatives to alter
franchise laws, state by state, to mandate that the sole legal way to buy a
car is through an independent third party. That is, a dealership.

Which might not be quite such a bad thing if so many dealers weren't so
demonstrably inept at selling electric cars to the people who want to buy

More discouraging, however, is that such behavior continues five years after
the Leaf has launched--and continues to be reported on a regular basis.
[© 2015 Green Car Reports]
Most Car Dealers Are Lousy At Selling Electric Cars: Here's Why
Electric Car Buyers Slam Dealer Experience; Dealers Don't Like 'Em Either
Why Many Car Dealers Don't Want To Sell Electric Cars (Feb 2014):
The 2016 LEAF Is Out! (Don’t Tell Anyone.)
December 7th, 2015  Chris Dragon 

Crouching tiger, hidden LEAF
Nissan YouTube channel
Oh, the horror!

Nissan LEAF | Electric Journey
Nissan USA Nov 2, 2015
Three friends take their Nissan LEAF on an epic nighttime journey out of the
city, through a forest and into the mountains, where they find the most
awe-inspiring electric spectacle.

Back in September, I got on Nissan’s mailing list to be the “first to know”
when the 2016 LEAF was released. I also asked a local Nissan dealer to
contact me when it was available. Neither one contacted me.

One would think that the biggest update to the LEAF in 5 years would warrant
a media fanfare. Yet, so far, Nissan has kept the 2016 LEAF release pretty
much a secret.

When the new LEAF with 107 miles of range was announced, I was super
excited. I’ve wanted an EV for 12 years, and the 2016 LEAF finally had the
range for most of our trips at a price I could afford. Over on, an owner in my area said Fontana Nissan had been great
with his LEAF purchase back in 2011, so I emailed Fontana asking when the
2016 might be available. Their response? A form letter asking me to come
down for a test drive.

I tried again, being as clear as possible that I was only interested in the
date the 2016 would be released to market. This time I got a voicemail
asking me to come down for a test drive. I had progressed to voicemail!

At the same time, I started getting spam mail advertising various Nissan
cars*. I sent an angry response and said I would report every future email I
got as spam. They removed me from the mailing list but never apologized or
answered my question.

I tried calling instead of emailing and spoke to someone who said the 2016
wouldn’t go into production until “next year.” My own research at the time
suggested that the 2016 had been in production for a few months and could be
out as early as mid October. So, I was either being lied to in the hope that
impatience would make me come buy a gasmobile, or they simply had no idea
what they were talking about.

Okay, maybe Fontana had gone downhill since 2011. There must be other good
Nissan EV dealers, right?

I went to the website of all the Nissan dealers within a reasonable distance
to see which might be most EV friendly based on how prominent the LEAF was
on their web page. I also checked to see if they had an EV
charger that was maintained. I then ordered them from most-to-least LEAF

    Ross Nissan:
        They have a big LEAF ad high on the page: “100% electric, zero gas
Nissan LEAF. Innovation for the planet. Innovation for all. Drive the
diamond lane.”
        L3 charger costs $9.90 but is reported as reliable.
        Mayor of El Monte drives a LEAF and charges here.

    AutoNation Nissan South Bay:
        LEAF features in first of 5 ads.
        No charger listed on

    Al Hambra:
        LEAF on slide 5 of 10, “No charge to charge” ad on slide 6 of 10.
        Only L2 chargers available but they’re free and there are 4 of them.
They even allow non-LEAFs.

    Carson Nissan:
        LEAF ads in slots 10 & 11 of 13.
        L3 charger reported down since Aug and dealer reported as especially
unhelpful. Some report that it works if you hold the cable up by laying it
over something. This charger requires a ChargePoint account to use but they
are apparently not maintaining it. This is a common complaint with the
ChargePoint network.

    Metro Nissan of Montclaire:
        “No charge to charge” ad 3 ads down.
        Their L3 charger has been mostly or completely down for 9 months and
now sounds like it won’t be back. At least L2 is free.

        $150/mo LEAF lease mentioned over halfway through their list of 20
front-page ad slides.
        Free charging at three L2 chargers.

    Empire Nissan:
        No mention of LEAF in 10 ads.
        This is the only dealer in the San Bernardino area that still offers
free L3 charging and seems to keep it operational.

    Nissan of Downtown LA:
        No ads or mention of LEAF on front page.
        $5 L3 charging but handle has been broken for 3 years, making it
tricky to unplug. Some comments suggest people have thought the broken
handle meant it was down, but it works with some extra tricks. Others report
there are often 1–2 cars waiting in line to charge here during the day which
makes not fixing the handle and not installing another charger or two
especially obnoxious.

    Gardena Nissan:
        Nothing about LEAF in ads.
        Free charging at one L2 charger limited to one hour.

    Fontana Nissan:
        Nothing about LEAF in ads.
        L3 charger has been down 4 months and still has no expected date of

Only the top 2 in that list looked at all promising to me. Before I got a
chance to call one of them, we happened to be near another dealer and I
figured maybe I could get a straight answer if I went in in person. I asked
my question and the guy said something like “Oh yeah, the new model with new
body styling!” I just stared at him because there is no new styling for the
2016 LEAF.

Soon, he realized the car wasn’t out yet and suddenly he was trying to say
there’s no real difference between each model year other than the year
number and wouldn’t I like to look at the 2015 LEAF? No, I tell him, I need
the 2016 because it’s got 25% more range and he’s like, oh sure, it has a
little extra range, but so what! And besides, the 2016 won’t be out till
sometime next year! This was the same story I got from Fontana.

Eventually, he goes to find the “LEAF expert” and ask if there’s a pre-order
list. A few minutes later, the LEAF expert is supposedly “at lunch” (at 5
PM?) but will be back in half an hour. In the meantime, this guy wants to
write our contact info on a form he’s brought over. I tell him I’ve already
got a dealership calling me with marketing because I gave them my info so
I’d prefer not to give it again. “We’ll just come back in half an hour….”

After I refuse a couple times (with some verbally-stiff support from my
wife), he says something like he’s just trying to save me money (funny,
since we’d been pretty clear we just wanted some info, not to save money
buying a car). He finally crumples up the paper and walks off while somehow
still trying to appear friendly. He never lost that air of fake
friendliness, but the message was clear — if we weren’t going to lead to a
commission, we weren’t worth his time.

We didn’t go back in half an hour.

At that point, I didn’t feel I could trust any answer I got and that any
“2016 LEAF pre-order” list they offered to put me on would actually be a
“spam me with gas-car ads” list. So, I didn’t bother to call the two dealers
I’d researched. I figured I’d just watch news sites and hope Nissan
corporate would email me with a release date as they’d promised.

In the end, I found a good deal on a used Tesla and stopped watching LEAF
news for awhile.

Despite the shady salesmen, I still love the LEAF and want it to succeed. A
couple days ago, I happened to check the news and was shocked to find the
2016 was out and nobody had contacted me. I also checked my spam box and
there was nothing.

I revisited Fontana Nissan’s website. None of its ads mention the new LEAF.
Fontana has two 2016s in stock but no one contacted me despite my calls and
emails back in September. At the top of the LEAF-friendly list above, Ross
Nissan has one 2016 LEAF with the 30 kWh battery size in stock, but its
front-page ads don’t mention it. AutoNation Nissan has two in stock… and no
mention on the front page.

It took some digging, but I finally found that the 2016 had started arriving
at dealers in the last week of November and about 250 were shipped out
before December. December is an important month where people feel in the
buying/gift giving mood and plenty of holiday car sales encourage spending,
so getting the 2016 out now is great timing. Not advertising it is not so

Okay, if dealers aren’t advertising the new LEAF, maybe Nissan corporate is
pushing it on YouTube where all those hip, young, EV buyers hang out.

Behold, Nissan’s YouTube channel:

The first bad sign: All you see is Altima without scrolling**.

The second bad sign: the LEAF category is at the very bottom of the page.

The third bad sign: the newest commercial visible in the LEAF category is 1
year old.

Where’s the series of exciting, all-new 2016 Nissan LEAF commercials?

If you scroll the LEAF category all the way to the right, then click View
30+ more, then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, you’ll find
one, lonely, new commercial:

That’s right, Nissan has exactly one commercial for the most exciting new
LEAF model in 5 years. So it must be spamming this bad boy across the whole
internet, right? Well, no… it has only 7,751 views after 4 weeks.

Compare that to the Altima commercial at the top of the page that has 1.4
million views after 4 weeks. Not only are they not paying to show their one
new LEAF commercial — it has so few views that it appears dead last on its
YouTube channel and isn’t even visible without scrolling all the way down,
then all the way right, clicking, and scrolling all the way down again. It’s
like a scavenger hunt!

Maybe they just haven’t started pushing the commercial yet? That would be
crazy since this is a huge month for car sales, but maybe they have some
reason to wait. In that case, one would expect prior LEAF ads to have lots
of views after they were eventually paid to run.


Average views of the first 10 LEAF commercials are around 20,000. Highest is
759,000. Next highest is 70,000. Even the 5-year-old commercials rarely have
over 20,000. Nissan simply hasn’t paid to show all but one or two of its
LEAF ads to much of anyone.

That one ad with 759,000 views is titled “World’s Cleanest Car.” Other than
saying “world’s cleanest car” a few times, Nissan says nothing about the
LEAF. It’s mostly a commercial for new dirt-shedding paint technology.
Despite having 759,000 views, the audience wasn’t thrilled by it: it’s only
got 431 thumbs up and 136 down. Nissan must have paid to get it so many
views, and I have a feeling that was to show off the painting process more
than the LEAF.

Compare that to “The Gas Station Takeover,” which I think is the most
compelling LEAF commercial I’ve seen. It got 79 likes and 10 dislikes.
That’s 4 times as many likes per dislike compared to the 759,000 ad. Yet
this more-popular ad has a pitiful 12,500 views over 2 years.

OK, maybe it’s not fair to compare the LEAF to the 1.4-million-view Altima
video because the Altima is one of Nissan’s top-selling models. So, let’s
compare it to the 2016 TITAN XD, which is a new model of diesel truck
released in January. Its release ad has 110,000 views — 5 times higher than
the average LEAF ad.

Nissan clearly isn’t paying to actually get its LEAF ads in front of

Nissan likes to boast that it has more EV sales than any other company, but
in the last year, Nissan and Tesla have swapped places in sales in the US,
and possibly in Europe as well. In 2014 YTD, 25,000 LEAFS were sold in the
US and almost 18,000 Teslas. In 2015 YTD, 23,000 Teslas were sold, compared
to 15,900 LEAFs. This is despite the base Tesla costing over twice as much
as the base LEAF.

What Is Going On With Nissan?

I’ve always been a big fan of Nissan’s CEO, Carlos Ghosn. In 2007, when
every other big auto maker had, at most, plans to produce a few thousand EVs
strictly to comply with government mandates, Carlos committed $5 billion to
develop the LEAF and put it into mass production.

BusinessWeek branded Ghosn as “crazy,” but crazy can be good when you’re
trying to save the world.

Ghosn seemed seriously committed to the LEAF. He went so far as to pull the
Nissan Versa from the market in order to leave the LEAF as Nissan’s only
“C-segment” car offering. Just before the LEAF was released in December
2010, Carlos said he thought 500,000 LEAFS would be sold each year by 2013,
and I think he believed it. Even when sales seemed slow, Nissan built out
its production capacity to support 10 times more cars than were currently
selling, and their plants all around the world were tooled up to produce
Nissan’s star EV.

LEAF sales did not manifest as Ghosn hoped. It was thought that people had
range anxiety, so Nissan added free L3 fast chargers to many dealerships and
other city locations. Despite that, Ghosn saw only 22,610 LEAFs sold in 2013
instead of his half-a-million prediction. In fact, Nissan’s “free charge to
charge” program may have backfired, as inconsiderate people have been found
to hog free chargers in popular locations in order to slowly top up over 90%
while those who seriously need the charge have to wait or look elsewhere.

These days, the Versa is back on the market and at least half the dealer
quick chargers in my area have not been maintained. Tesla sales have surged
past LEAF sales, and even the awesome new 2016 LEAF with 25% more range has
had almost zero fanfare from Nissan.

It feels like Ghosn has given up the idea of an EV revolution. Sometimes, it
seems that he’s actually trying to harm sales by announcing the 2016 months
in advance, which served to stagnate sales of 2015 LEAFs. He’s also said a
double-range LEAF is around the corner, which only encourages buyers to
wait. This is the same CEO who brought Nissan back from bankruptcy in 1999.
I have trouble imagining that he makes statements that can kill LEAF sales
without considering the consequences.

Tesla has kept up and surpassed Nissan purely with word-of-mouth sales and
by putting all profits back into scaling up production as fast as it can (we
hope). Nissan remains the king of “all time” EV sales with what seems to be
almost the same word of mouth strategy, but it’s falling behind in current
sales. It has a great new product that could let Nissan pull ahead again if
it only marketed it. The battery is expected to last longer and degrade
slower with a range of 107 miles that is 4 times what the average person
drives each day. It still doesn’t work well for long trips, but it doesn’t
have to in order to be successful.

Maybe Nissan is just waiting until a good stock of 2016s are in place at
dealers across the country before starting a media blitz. Given that
December is a big month for car buying and the 5-year history of low ad
views, I doubt it. Nissan only has a year left before the 200-mile-range
Chevy Bolt comes out, so now is its last, best chance to sell the 2016 LEAF.
As time goes on, Nissan will have to announce something to match the Bolt
range or seriously drop the LEAF price to compete.

It turns out that Nissan has shown off an IDS concept car with over 200
miles of range and a suspected release date of the second quarter of 2017.
That’s around 6 months later than the Bolt, so it should compete. There is
no word on pricing, but since Nissan is moving to the same LG Chem battery
technology as the Bolt, there’s nothing stopping the company from matching
Chevy, unless Chevy has a secret contract with especially low prices that LG
won’t offer to other EV makers. I suspect Nissan is waiting to see if the
Bolt manifests on schedule and at the promised price before it responds with
a competing product.

All this got me wondering: can LEAF prices be lowered? There’s been
speculation that profit margins must be razor thin and that’s why the LEAF
doesn’t get advertised or pushed by dealers. Yet Boulder Nissan dropped it
price by $8,500 and increased sales from 15–20 per month to 150 per month. I
can’t imagine it is losing money on so many cars, so the profit margin must
be significantly higher than $8,500 per vehicle. From Black Friday to Dec
31st, Tynan’s Nissan has also cut the 2015 LEAF price, but by an even
greater amount: $9,007

5 years ago, Carlos Ghosn seemed poised to use Nissan’s clout to drive an EV
revolution faster than fledgling Tesla or any other big automaker. Today,
Tesla has surged past LEAF sales while Nissan corporate doesn’t seem to

The LEAF is a great car with a high customer satisfaction rate. Its
reliability even beats Tesla’s. 2016 LEAF sales should be record breaking,
and could be, if they were marketed and if those $8,000 discounts were
offered widely.

I’m hoping someone at Nissan will read this and realize the company needs a
better direction.

Have friends at Nissan? Ask them to whisper in someone’s ear about offering
discounts or running ads.

Can we pressure Nissan in some other way? Let us know in the comments.

Update: After publishing this, I got a 2016 LEAF announcement from Nissan
corporate on 12/8 at 11:47am. I’d call it over 2 weeks late (the original
signup said I would be the “first to know”) but better late than never. It
would have been much better to email people saying the cars will be arriving
in the next week or two and send a second email a couple weeks later as a
reminder. I’d hate to have had this email appear now only to find my local
dealer sold the one or two cars they got two weeks back.***

*Editor’s Note: I got the same after inquiring online about the Nissan LEAF,
and after indicating at a visit to a local dealership that we were EV
fanatics and might lease the LEAF (and were only interested in EVs), and
still… after leasing a LEAF. It is quote disheartening as someone who often
writes about Nissan’s leadership in the EV space. –Zach

**Editor’s Note: This is the car I get pushed on me in Nissan spam the most.

***Editor’s Note: I’d also assume this was in response to this article, but
we’re not sure about that.

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