I have a loop based BMS system which will stop the charger if the loop opens so 
I could rig up a circuit with a relay to open the loop but I prefer to use  the 
configuration in my existing charge controller.
Jay Summet

On January 5, 2016 11:07:14 PM EST, Ben Apollonio <e...@bapollo.com> wrote:
>Hi Jay,
>I think your approach is good.  Some chargers (Elcon, at least) let
>your BMS throttle charge current with an external voltage signal.  If
>your charger supports this, you could try wiring up a comparator and a
>flip-flop to latch the signal at 0A when you hit your target voltage at
>On Jan 3, 2016, at 9:28 PM, Jay Summet via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
>> I want to charge at maximum current to 80%, and then shut off. My
>thoughts on this subject are listed as text below, or you can follow
>this link to see the images of my charging profiles:
>> I welcome any comments about issues or tricks I may have overlooked.
>> Thanks,
>> Jay
>> Because I have a relatively short commute, and rarely anticipate
>needing my full 100% pack capacity, I have chosen to charge my truck to
>an 80% SOC on a daily basis to maximize battery life. One nice thing
>about the 80% level is that most batteries can be charged at a
>relatively high rate of speed up to 80%, and then you need to slow down
>the charging a bit to prevent them from overheating. (This is why DC
>Quick Chargers will quickly bring an empty battery up to 80%, but then
>slow down quite a bit after that.)
>> My first attempt at programming an 80% charging profile was very
>simple, just set  MaxV to 128.5 and set the TermC (termination current)
>to 2 amps. This works well, it gets the pack voltage up to 128.5 volts
>and holds it there until the battery stops accepting much current. The
>only issue is that it is wasting time, because for a good amount of the
>charging period the current flowing into the battery is less than the
>maximum 30 amps (4.0 kW) that the chargers can produce. The charging
>curve looks like this:
>> In an effort to speed up my charging, I set the MaxV to a higher
>amount ( 128.9 volts) so that at the 128 volt level the battery pack
>would still be accepting a higher current, and then set my TermC to the
>highest level my EVCC allows (10 amps). This results in a charging
>curve that looks like the following:
>> As you can see, I spend more time delivering 30 amps before the
>current draw from the pack starts to drop off, and the curve reaches
>the cutoff point much quicker. My EVCC currently limits the TermC
>parameter to 10 amps or less, probably because they have not
>anticipated somebody trying to charge only to 80% as quickly as
>> If I could set the TermC parameter to 20 or 25 amps it would allow me
>to set the MaxV up higher (131?). The goal would be to find a voltage
>setting such that the pack would be drawing 20 or 25 amps right when it
>hit the 128.5 volt level. So my curve would basically be flat, full on
>charging at 30 amps up until the very end when it would start to taper
>off and the charging would end at 25 or 20 amps.
>> I’m not worried about setting the MaxV higher than the actual voltage
>I’m attempting to hit, as it is still much lower than my pack’s actual
>max voltage, and if something were to change with the pack chemistry
>making it miss the TermC cutoff, the MaxV would still stop the pack
>from reaching 100% charged. (and the termination timeout would
>eventually hit.)
>> This is the end of my main thought, but you can continue reading
>> Extra Info about my pack, charging to the 80% level, etc…
>> The 48 modules from my Nissan Leaf battery pack (LMO/LNO chemistry) 
>are arranged in a series of sixteen sets of 3 parallel cells. This
>gives me a 180Ah battery with an absolute maximum voltage of 134.4 (4.2
>volts per cell). In actual use the 4.2 VPC level should never be
>reached, if you charge the cells to 4.1 volts per cell they are around
>99% charged. As the extra 0.1 volt difference between 4.1 and 4.2
>doesn’t really buy you much extra capacity,  most people use 4.1 volts
>per cell (131.2 volts) as a safe “full” or 100% capacity on the Leaf
>Cells.  My Mini-BMS units will start to shunt voltage at 4.1 VPC, and
>raise an over-voltage alarm at 4.2 VPC.
>> However, if you charge the cells to 4.0-4.01 VPC (128-128.5 volts)
>that corresponds to about 80% of their maximum possible capacity. To
>maximize cell and battery pack life, you want to minimize the time the
>cells are fully charged or fully discharged. If you can keep the cells
>between a 10%-80% state of charge (SOC) it will maximize their battery
>> Keeping them above 10% SOC is easy…don’t drive until they are empty.
>Keeping them at or below 80% SOC is also easy, simply turn off your
>charger when they are only 80% charged.   This is why the early Nissan
>Leafs had the option to only charge the battery to 80%. (Removed in the
>newer Leafs due to EPA regulations on how maximum range is calculated.)
>> If you want the extra 20% of range that charging to 100% SOC would
>give you, it is better to charge to 100% and then immediately discharge
>the pack by driving it (as opposed to leaving it sitting at 100% charge
>all night).  This is one reason why Nissan Leaf’s have a charge timer,
>so that you can tell the charger to finish just before you start your
>daily drive. (The other reason is so that you can tell it to start
>charging only after the low cost nighttime electricity rates start, if
>you are on a time of use metering rate plan.)
>> My 2nd charging profile will be a 4.1 VPC full 100% capacity charge,
>for when I feel the need to really go long distances. (or to get the
>pack ready for a top balancing equalization charge, my future 3rd
>charging profile.)
>> Jay
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