On 8 Mar 2016 at 10:39, Jan Steinman via EV wrote:

> Can you point me to the page and paragraph in the National Electrical Code
> where it says such a thing is illegal? Because I canTMt find it in my copy.
> :-)

If you mean your suicide cord, you're right, the NEC is generally mute about 
stuff you plug in.

Howver, if you ever do manage to electrocute or injure someone, I expect 
that the investigators will find something to charge you with.  :-(

> Please understand that, as an electrical engineer, I am EXTREMELY
> careful with such things. 

I don't mean to offend, but every couple of years, we get posts here like 
yours.  Every time, a few people respond exactly as Jim did.  Every time, 
the OP responds defensively, pretty much the way you did here.  "I'm 
careful, I know what I'm doing."

I don't doubt that you do.  And there are reasonably good chances that 
you'll never electrocute anyone, or blow up your genset, or zap a curious 
toddler with your suicide cord.

But being an EE does not make you immune to accidents.  Stuff happens.

It's also not expensive or difficult to do it right.  And by installing a 
proper setup, you make it possible for other people to switch your house 
over to backup power and back, quickly and safely.  Why wouldn't you want 

These quick and dirty methods remind me a little of the way electricity is 
done routinely in places like India and Thailand. 


Sorry, I know it's a bit of a dig; but personally, I have too much pride to 
do such a hack job in my own house.

> I would discourage anyone from doing such a thing unless they are
> absolutely sure of their knowledge and procedures. 

I would discourage anyone from doing such a thing, full stop.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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