Tesla Model S Makes for a Very Good Mail Delivery Van, According to


video  flash

Testimonials have long been used for commercial purposes - so much, in fact,
that they've become lame lately, usually associated with products such as
room freshners, mops and toothpaste. Oh, and Teslas.

Yes, the modern company called Tesla Motors uses this method of promoting
itself, and in most cases, the resulting videos are no better than the ones
featuring housewives telling you about the best blender in the world. There
are some exceptions, though, and this one featuring Henry Nelson, a mailman
in a small Minnesota town, is one of them.

It probably has to do with the whole surreal feel of the situation: a man
from a small community doing this very conventional job with arguably the
most modern car available. It's just such a weird mix of ingredients that
you're glued to the screen, waiting to see what Mr. Nelson has to say next.

Well, while we do encourage you to do that, we'll spare you some of the
suspense and tell you it's all good things about the Tesla. What sets this
apart from other similar videos for different products is that Henry
Nelson's arguments actually make sense. Few people would have thought about
it, but the Tesla Model S does make for a very good mail delivery car. The
Model X even more so, but Henry got his electric sedan back in 2014, so that
wasn't an option then. 

The people of Ortonville have to keep an eye out for the mail, because they
will definitely not hear Henry approaching in his stealthy EV. He makes a
case for the amount of space available in a Model S, while also mentioning
the car's pure curb appeal. He says his daily route is about 124 miles,
which is well within the limits of Tesla's range. But this is where it stops
being a testimonial, and veers towards advertising.

Henry details his route, saying that about 80 of those 124 miles are gravel
roads, but despite the fact he's already clocked 38,000 miles on the car,
the only maintenance required is cleaning the car. He also mentions the huge
savings he makes every day - the Tesla only costs him about 10 percent of
what a regular vehicle would.

 ... we'd like to congratulate Mr. Henry Nelson on his initiative, and hope
to see more mailmen using EVs for their daily drops ...
[©  2016 SoftNews NET]

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