On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 6:26 AM, brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> % A Leaf EV charging @6kW = 24mph or ~1gal of $1.76 gas %
> http://wfpl.org/kentucky-grants-lge-ku-permission-install-public-electric-vehicle-charging-stations/
> More Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Are Coming To Louisville
> April 11, 2016  Erica Peterson
> Louisville will be getting up to 10 more public electric vehicle charging
> stations.
> Today, the Kentucky Public Service Commission approved a plan to let public
> utility Louisville Gas and Electric operate the chargers in its service
> territory. It also sets guidelines for other businesses who want to do so.
> There are already 13 public charging stations in Louisville, though five
> are
> at car dealerships. With Monday’s decision, LG&E can install its own
> chargers around the city. The PSC order also sets up a framework for the
> company to charge non-residential customers who want to install charging
> stations.
> If either a commercial or industrial customer wants to install a public
> charging station, *they have two choices.* The charging stations can be
> metered, and the host can pay a monthly fee for the station — and for the
> electricity that’s used — at the company’s current monthly rate. Or, the
> charging station can be unmetered, and the customer can pay a higher set
> monthly fee to cover the cost of the electricity used.

​Emphasis mine.

Either this is an exceptionally poorly written piece, or there is no
provision for a commercial or industrial customer​

​to simply buy and install their own EVSE and charge what they please (or
make it free).​  Is it even possible that KY's utility codes could be so
intrusive into how a business uses the power they pay for?

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