Cripe - evidently my email keeps reverting to rich text - sorry.... try again:


I tried calling Hilton to see how to tell which of their hotels offer charging 
since by Googling around I saw they had some press releases about adding 
charging stations to their hotels. 
-- condensed version---
" Hello, I want to find out how to tell which of your hotels has EV charging"
" You need parking?"
" No, charging for my electric vehicle."
"You want to see if there is a charge to park?"
"No, I have an electric car and want to stay at a hotel that offers charging" 
-- conversation about dates, number of guests, etc --
"There is  -some hotel- available"
" Do they offer EV charging"
" Sorry I don't know what you mean, but you can call the hotel"
"Thanks, bye."

I thought EVs were a bit more mainstream now, but I guess not. I'm not sure if 
I want to spend the night calling hotels and explaining what an electric car is.

I am surprised though that hotels list incredible details about breakfast 
items, office supplies, safety equipment, but I see none that show EV charging 
much less allow sorting by that. It's so easy to add and so useful.

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