% Shell doth protest too much, methinks (& threatened to sue) ...
?Anyone remember the mtbe debacle?
(Fuel discussions are OT on the evdl) %

VW and Shell accused of trying to block EU push for electric cars
28 April 2016  Arthur Neslen

  *  This article was amended on 29 April to include comment from Shell
which said it was not blocking an EU push for electric cars. The headline
and opening sentence of the article were also changed to reflect this.  *

[image  /  Jan Woitas/EPA
The industry study assumes a lack of public appetite for electric cars,
despite 400,000 pre-orders for Telsa’s new Model 3

Industry giants’ call for biofuels over electric and fuel-efficient cars
puts Europe’s carbon emissions targets at risk, say experts

VW and Shell have been accused of trying to block Europe’s push for electric
cars and more efficient cars, by saying biofuels should be at heart of
efforts to green the industry instead.

The EU is planning two new fuel efficiency targets for 2025 and 2030 to help
meet promises made at the Paris climate summit last December.

But executives from the two industrial giants launched a study on Wednesday
night proposing greater use of biofuels, CO2 car labelling, and the EU’s
emissions trading system (ETS) instead.

In reality, such a package would involve the end of meaningful new
regulatory action on car emissions for more than a decade, EU sources say

The Auto Fuels Coalition study, written by Roland Berger, makes a series of
highly pessimistic assumptions about the costs of fuel efficiency
improvements, and equally optimistic ones about greenhouse gas emissions
from biofuels. A recent EU study found the dirtiest biofuels three times
more polluting than diesel.

An EU source said: “these two industries have realised they have a shared
interest. When you saw who was paying for the study, you knew what the
answer would be.” ...

Campaigners point out that signs of an electric vehicles take-off this
spring have included 400,000 pre-orders for the new Tesla’s Model 3, as well
as a bid by the Dutch parliament to ban petrol and diesel engines by 2025.
On Thursday Germany promised a €1bn subsidy boost for electric cars.

Yet the industry study assumes a lack of public appetite for electric cars
over the next decade continuing until 5m urban recharging centres have been
installed and renewable electricity prices fall from current rates.

Dr Christoph Wolff, the managing director of the European Climate
Foundation, told the Guardian: “Electrification is taking off rapidly in
markets such as China, Norway and the Netherlands. EU policymakers need to
agree stringent measures, which will push the auto sector towards developing
products that are fit to compete in this fast-evolving marketplace.”

Saudi Arabia’s recent declaration that it would detach itself from oil
dependence by 2030 was heralded by campaigners as such a development. The
increasing cost-competitiveness of renewables has been another ...

The Dutch oil giant [Shell] has invested heavily in Brazilian ethanol and
[Shell VP] Crooks stressed that biofuels would ... requiring [EU] policy
incentives ...

By 2021, no new cars will be allowed to emit more than 95 grams of CO2 per
kilometre, but electrification and widescale renewable electricity will be
needed to approach zero emissions levels.

Carlos Calvo Ambel, an analyst for the Transport and Environment thinktank,
said that Europe would miss its greenhouse gas targets altogether if it
followed the Auto Fuels Coalition paper’s advice.

“Carmakers, oil companies and biofuels producers are making a desperate bid
to dissuade Europe from undertaking fuel efficiency standards for cars, vans
and trucks, a push for electric vehicles and many of the other badly needed
actions in the transport sector,” he said.
[© 2016 Guardian News and Media]
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
mtbe debacle/disaster
% Oil&Auto pushed hard for mtbe %

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