On 2 May 2016 at 19:42, Mike Nickerson via EV wrote:

> Around here (Idaho), the highways have a speed limit of 55 to 65 mph, and the
> freeway has a speed limit of 65 or 80 mph.  On any of those, you would have
> people backed up far behind you, if you drive 50 mph. 

Back in the 1990s, when many conversions had about as much power as a 1962 
VW Beetle and weighed half again as much, we had a lot of (sometimes heated) 
EVDL discussions about driving under the speed limit.  

I'll say now pretty much what I said then.  The speed limit is just that -- 
a limit.  Unless the road is posted with a minimum speed, there's no law 
that says anyone has to drive AT the speed limit.  You're free to drive 
whatever speed you think is safe and practical, as long as it's at OR UNDER 
the limit.

The argument that driving under the limit creates a hazard is just plain 
wrong.  IF a hazard exists, it's created by drivers who can't control their 
childish emotions and take stupid risks, such as tailgating and passing when 
it's not safe.

If the other person is driving a vehicle with a high power to weight ratio, 
he or she is inevitably going to encounter many vehicles that have low P/W 
ratios - large or heavily laden trucks, school buses, farm machinery.  
That's just how it goes on a two-lane highway.  

So why should it matter to anyone else whether you're driving a tractor or a 
car?  Why should anyone care whether your vehicle uses gasoline or Diesel 
fuel or electricity?  If you have to (or even if you just WANT to) go slower 
than the guy behind you does, it's up to him to deal with it legally and 

If you feel uncomfortable about backing up traffic, you can be nice and pull 
over every few miles to let the queue pass you.  But you're under no 
obligation to do so.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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