> > ​If we are talking about the entire population of ICE becoming EVs

> then this is a significant problem for which very little thought
> has been expended in the solving.​

Yes, Very little thought by the status-quo-non thinkers.

But a trivial problem.  All it takes is ONE parking spot covering of solar
panels to fully charge the average daily miles of an EV, FOREVER.  And
every car in America has about 5 parking spots each.  Home, work, church,
school, retail, sports, etc...

So if we just cover one parking spot of the FIVE with solar panels, we have
eliminated 80% of our carbon emissions due to transportation!  And it costs
LESS than just doing nothing!  Self generated amortized cost of solar
electricity is about half the cost of the utilities.

Duh, its a no brainer...

Bob, Wb4APR
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