Or maybe the reporter did mean that. What I read between the lines is this:

Lithium metal batteries are currently not suitable for use in EVs and many other applications because they must operate at high temperature and their ceramic separators (between electrodes) are brittle and break easily. However, lithium metal demonstrates a much higher energy density li-ion. So if a cell (CSIRO's cell) can be produced without the above encumbrances, it would increase the energy capacity of an EV battery substantially and reduce range anxiety.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Michael Ross via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "brucedp5" <bruce...@operamail.com>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Sent: 18-Jun-16 12:36:24 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Salt bath to increase EV battery pack range

It is worth noting that the batteries referenced here are not the batteries used in any EV. They are talking about lithium metal electrodes which are not suitable at all for typical secondary battery applications and so it
has nothing to do with reducing range anxiety.

On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 3:22 AM, brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:



 A salty battery bath to combat EV range anxiety
 June 14, 2016  Colin Jeffrey


 Scientists from the CSIRO, working jointly with researchers from RMIT
University and QUT, have created a salt bath pre-process that promises to vastly improve lithium-based battery life and performance (Credit: CSIRO)


The degradation of electrodes in lithium-based batteries has been a major inhibitor to their operating life, particularly when dendrites "growing"
 from these corroding electrodes short-circuit in the electrolyte.
researchers have found that pre-treating lithium electrodes in a special salt bath decreases the breakdown of the electrodes and boosts performance and battery life so markedly it could bring an end to range anxiety for
 drivers of electric vehicles.

 Scientists from the CSIRO, working jointly with researchers from RMIT
University and the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), claim that
 their pre-treating technique is so efficient that even after 1,000
charge/discharge cycles, their prototype retains greater than 99.5 percent Coulombic efficiency, which is a measure of the difference between the incoming and outgoing charges in a battery as it cycles through charging.

 The researchers believe that their new process will help bring on the
development of super-efficient energy storage methods that will completely negate battery range anxiety that is a major impediment for the electric
 industry today.

"Our research has shown by pre-treating lithium metal electrodes, we can
 create batteries with charge efficiency that greatly exceeds standard
 lithium batteries," said CSIRO battery researcher Dr Adam Best. "The
pre-treatment reduces the breakdown of electrolytes during operation, which
 is what determines the battery's increased performance and lifetime."

By immersing lithium metal electrodes in an electrolyte bath containing a mixture of the lithium salts Lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) and
 lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) and the ionic liquid
1-Methyl-1-propylpyrrolidinium chloride (C3mpyr), the pre-treatment covers the surface of the electrode with a protective film that is so efficient that even after more than 2,500 hours of battery cycling, no evidence of
 dendrite formation was found.

Whilst a myriad other methods have been researched on eliminating dendrite formation from the degradation of lithium battery electrodes, including coating them with carbon nanospheres and changing the composition of the electrolyte in which they are immersed, this latest technology has shown
largest number of charge/discharge cyclic efficiency with absolutely no
 dendrite formation visible.

Other advantages of this process include the ability for treated batteries
 to sit on the shelf for up to a year without their performance being
affected, and that the techniques are simple and easy to adopt in current
 battery manufacturing methods.

The CSIRO holds patents to the electrolyte salt solutions, which come in a variety of different chemical compositions. The research team is now intent on creating and evolving batteries based on the new process and techniques,
 and is currently searching for commercial collaborators to assist in
 commercial development of the technology.
 [© GIZMAG 2016]

 Salt baths boost next gen batteries for electric cars
 14 June 2016
http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160613/ncomms11794/full/ncomms11794.html Stabilizing lithium metal using ionic liquids for long-lived batteries
 13 June 2016

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