I haven't taken a flight in over a decade, so I knew a lot has changed (I
would have a steep learning curve to bone-up on since . After navigating the
newer method of getting your reservations (flight, lodging, car) on-line, I
decided to do a reconnoiter (dry-run) and check out what my 1st flight in
10+years would be like.

Leaving early to avoid the heavy (speeding-to-work & draging-home) traffic
time-periods in Silicon Valley, I left ~1pm and headed south. Even just
trying to get on Hwy 101 south, I was seeing EVs also on the road (White
Tesla-S, gray-silver Leaf) speeding by. 

Formerly, when I was a hp-CE, I listening to the traffic reports on the car
radio as a useful tool (it helped me arrive on time to keep my customer
happier). Sure enough, this time it alerted me to an accident  that slowed
the highway I was on (101 south) to a slow crawl. 
Memories of years of wading through traffic-jams like that reminded me why I
drive so little now (been-there, done-that ... no-need-to-now). Except that
day, so I could get up to speed.

Traffic into SJC airport was quite light at ~1:40pm, even for a Friday. I
used the near-full long term parking lot I would use in the future. All
seemed straight forward. After luckily snagging a parking spot near a
shuttle pick-up kiosk, when I looked up out my windshield, I saw an i3 EV
parked in front of me (in the spot of the opposite row of parking). Oddly,
it did not have either white CA hov stickers (for an EV) or green CA hov
stickers (for a pih). 

The i3 looked similar to:
 The rear did state it was an i3, but no mention of having a rex (looking
similar to: )
 Could this i3 be so new that it has the latest larger 33kW pack? (see: )

New Cars for 2017: BMW
AUG 2016  i3 ... lithium-ion battery pack in BMW's funky EV runabout grows
from 22 kWh to 33, which means an increase in rated range from 81 miles to
114 ...

After taking a shuttle bus (with a loud automated voice system) to the
terminal (the bus still had a human driver, but much of the driving was
sensed and automated to limit the driver's speeds, and stop-wait times - the
shuttle could not leave unless the system allowed it). I wondered what the
full-auton shuttle-buses (no human driver) of the future will be like,
hoping there would be a way to turn down the blaring volume of the
(annoying) automated voice that was screaming at me of things I did not want
to know.

Once I had finished learning where to: walk (hobbling with a cane), enter,
check-in, re-learn how to time my slow footing on escalators, and talk to
the people that will scan me of what their SOP was, I was ready to leave. 

After being dropped off from the (LOUD) shuttle back to my car, the i3 was
still there. I thought that large long-term parking-lot had a lot of sq
footage going to waste above the parked cars. When I left, I purposely drove
to the end of the lot, to know that there was a shuttle pickup kiosk back
there. This meant using state and federal solar grant funding, the airport
could install solar canopies in their parking lots. If so, it would so
simple to also install L1 outlets or EVSE for drivers parking in the extreme
rear of the lot (far less likely to have iced spots from lazy ice drivers).
Having a cover over the vehicles also would mean all vehicles would be more
protected from sun damage and droppings from local and seabirds (yup, they
got my car while I was gone).

As it tuns out, I came over an hour early for my flight. That time of day,
made leaving the airport easy. But as I re-entered Hwy101 (north), the south
bound lanes were now jammed (stopped) with traffic (funny how much
difference an hour makes). I decided I will still come too early, to
minimize the affect traffic will have (better to wait than be sorry).

Half way back, a Volt pih flexed its performance and cut me off (I usually
let those things slide, and those drivers are likely too amp'd up on
caffeine or something to care). Later, before my Hwy exit to do some
shopping, a white Tesla-S EV was unhappy that I was in their way (almost
side-swiping me). I continued to keep the same legal speed, and let them
pass. As one can summarize, if you take a inconsiderate ice driver and put
them in a plugin, you get a inconsiderate plugin driver.

Now off the Hwy and on Mt. View's city streets, I spied a Goog nEV (looking
similar to: )

It it looked taller and narrower (skinnier) than all the images I seen. The
middle aged driver was there (CA law sez auton vehicles must have a driver)
but really they had nothing to do. After I finished my shopping task and was
leaving, I saw the Goog nEV again as it was exiting the neighborhood streets
behind the shopping center (it must have been on a pre-programmed route). 

I passed it after letting it get up to its maximum speed. Yup, its a nEV
alright: 30mph on a 35mph 4 lane road, where everyone drives at least 45mph
between red-lights. No one seemed to care what it was ('autonomous vehicle'
blazoned all over it), they just passed it like they would any other
too-slow vehicle in their way. As was posted, if you are in Goog's Mt. View
area, you will likely have to share the city streets with one of their nEVs.
Here's a news blurb mentioning to them:

Google's rivals in self-driving cars may force it into hard choice
08/26/2016  Amid a blitz of progress announcements this month from robot-car
firms that could beat ... and has helped the firm successfully market its
pricey electric vehicles.

Before I got home I took a side road as an opportunity to visit my
old-stomping grounds: the former hp-neely sales and support office in Mt.
View which had moved away (relocated) way-back when Fiorina devoured compaq. 

Pictured in:
Fiorina toured the Y2K Command Center at the company’s Palo Alto, Calif.,
headquarters on the afternoon of Dec. 31, 1999. Credit Associated Press
 ... I had worked with the men in the picture, and was not allowed to sleep
for days (on-call) up to Y2k at our Y2K command center. All of which ended
up (thankfully) for naught ...

I wanted to see the changes to that site (what companies were now there, if
my original EVSE hp paid to have installed was still around, etc.). As I
entered the parking lot way in the back, one of the companies (coursera)
leasing one of the buildings was holding a Friday soirée (a beer-bust, which
are fairly common for Silicon Valley Hi-Tech companies to do on Friday's).

As I swung around, it seems Mozilla (Firefox) has now leased the building I
used to report to when I was a hp CE. I did not go inside, as I later found
a website that showed me how much it had changed (it had been gutted - see:

I could almost see/imagine where my manager used to sit
 before they revamped the whole building

Outside the building, in the parking in front of their entrance
 is where I saw two CT4000 Chargepoint EVSE installed (that looked like: )
 with a Soul EV and a Tesla EV plugged in. Their EV signage stated their
EVSE was for their employee use only. Later, I found plugshare did not list
these EVSE (you could not use them even if you were almost bricked).

My original lo-tech two outlets (5-20 & L5-30) that were mounted on a metal
stanchion cemented in a 2x2' pad in front of a side parking spot, was
totally gone. A large metal storage enclosure was now in its place (out with
the old, in with the new ... ).

That change was par, as many of the hp sites I had supported that I had
installed EVSE at, hp had sold off: Kifer site in Sunnyvale (now
intuitivesurgical), Mayfield site in Mt. View (now Goog), the Cupertino site
(now Apple), the Deer Creek site (now Tesla), &more.

On my way out, I briefly yakked with a tall slender young man (picture
perfect example of a Silicon Valley engineer hiring candidate). He knew that
hp had been in the complex before, and knew of the EVSE in front of Mozilla
(he was a sharp dude). When I told him I put in EVSE over 20 years ago, he
smiled. He said he would tell who was plugging in now that I paved the way
for them to charge at work (that made me smile).

When I got home, I knew I had accomplished quite a bit, and I was already
feeling the burn from all the exercise I had done. Crawling into bed, and
closed my eyes knowing all my good EV deeds at one of my many former hp work
sites had paid off :-)

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