In order to make the impact on the vehicle's efficiency small, you
sacrifice the amount of energy you can capture per unit foot of roadway.
So in order to capture really useful amounts of energy, you need lots of
piezo collectors, and a lot of wiring. Your infrastructure costs are

Further, in order to "capture some of the energy now lost in flexing the
roadbed" you would need to make stiffer roads. Concrete has a high
compressive strength, on the order of 8-10,000psi. The compacted sand
and gravel substrate beneath, not so much. There's where your road
flexes. So to stiffen the road, pour more concrete. Currently, we're
coming up on a worldwide cement shortage, raising construction prices
substantially. Good sand is also growing short, necessitating more
costly aggregate and fill materials. This is the background against
which you must measure the additional cost of any energy collection system.

We won't discuss the "squishy" character of asphalt and the
near-impossibility of capturing that energy -- basically new road
construction methods and materials are needed to provide a
minimally-flexing substrate for your energy-collection layer to function
at its best.

Theoretically, there might be some energy to be gained there.
Practically, it looks like it would substantially increase the cost of
road construction. And here in Ohio, where "road construction" is one of
the seasons of our year, the cost of both initial construction and
especially repairs would be more than is politically affordable. The
Highway Trust Fund is pretty tapped out now.

Cal Frye

> *From:* Jack Wendel via EV <>
> *Date:* August 28, 2016 at 7:13 PM
> *To:* Cor van de Water <>, Electric Vehicle
> Discussion List <>
> *Subject:* [EVDL] Piezo-power> 10mi of freeway could charge all the
> EVs in Burbank-CA(?)
> [...back of the envelope calculations, etc...]
> In conclusion, I am not expecting "free energy". My only hope is that the
> gains offset the losses and infrastructure, distribution and maintenance
> costs. And I simply cannot form a conclusion on that without more data. And
> more data cannot be gathered if the idea is dismissed without further
> investigation, research and experimentation. 

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