There may be some component of prejudice or discrimination involved here, 
but IMO Cor is on target.  It's all about protectionism. 

Business is always for "free markets" as long as those markets benefit their 
bottom line.  When "free markets" harm their profits, suddenly they're all 
in favor of laws to "level the playing field," by which they mean "put a 
thumb on my side of the scale."

It doesn't have to be that way, and hasn't always been that way, but as of 
now we as a nation (maybe we as a world) seem to have decided that this is 
the system we want.  So it goes.  

If Tesla truly want their business model to prevail, they can make it happen 
the same way the auto dealers have made theirs the norm.  All it takes is 
money.  Tesla will probably have to spend less on research and product 
development so they can spend much more on politics -- consistently more 
than the auto dealers and mainstream automakers spend, over a period of 
years.  Then doors will begin to open for them.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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