Well there you have it - a diesel-powered EV, just like that locomotive?

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 From: brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> To: ev@lists.evdl.org Subject: 
[EVDL] Echo-Voyager untethered> like a 7.5mpg undersea-Volt (upih) i-r:7500mi 
(v) Date: 10/1/16, 4:45 AM

'It makes the ocean that much less of a pain in the ass to explore' 
% Video has a good presentation % 
Boeing’s Monstrous Underwater Robot Can Wander the Ocean for 6 Months 
03.21.16  ALEX DAVIES 
[images  / BOEING 
Boeing's 51-foot long Echo Voyager can spend six months at a time wandering 
the ocean 
The Voyager’s 7,500 mile range is enough to go from San Francisco to Hong 
AS FAR AS locales go, the bottom of the ocean is a particularly exasperating 
place to explore. Anyone or anything you send down there has to contend with 
the dark, with thousands of pounds of pressure on every square inch, with 
the inability to replenish fuel supplies without returning to the mother 
In recent years, unmanned undersea vehicles (UUVs) have improved the 
situation, eliminating the need to send a human down below, or to attach an 
unmanned vessel to a surface ship with a long umbilical cord. Those include 
Boeing’s Echo Ranger and Echo Seeker underwater robots, which can spend a 
few days at at time below the surface, with ranges measured in the tens or 
hundreds of miles. That’s progress, but it’s not enough to emancipate the 
UUV from the need for a nearby surface ship with a human crew, which piles 
on costs. 
Those UUV’s are “nothing more than an extension, or an application of the 
surface ship,” says Lance Towers, who carries the impressively potent title 
of director of sea and land at Phantom Works, Boeing’s R&D arm. They were 
just one step better than leaning over the ship’s railing to peer into the 
briny deep. “We said, we need to come up with a capability that allows us to 
operate an autonomous underwater vehicle that does not require a surface 
ship,” Towers says. That was in 2011. 
Now, Boeing’s showing off the product of that decision. The Echo Voyager can 
spend six months at a time exploring the deep sea, with a 7,500-mile range, 
no ship needed. Structurally, the 51-foot Voyager’s not too different from 
its little brothers, the 32-foot Seeker and 18-foot Ranger. The big 
difference is the introduction of the hybrid rechargeable power system. 
Like Boeing’s other UUVs, the 50-ton Voyager runs on lithium-ion or silver 
zinc batteries that power it for a few days at a time. But instead of 
scooting over to a ship any time it’s running low on power, the Voyager just 
fires up a diesel generator that recharges the batteries. (It only turns on 
the generator at the surface, so the exhaust can be piped into the air). The 
Voyager works like a Chevy Volt, if the Volt carried a thousand gallons of 
fuel and could drive from San Francisco to Hong Kong without hitting a gas 
station. (The Volt is more fuel efficient, though—battling water resistance, 
the Voyager goes just 7.5 miles per gallon.) 
Boeing says customers could use the Voyager to inspect underwater 
infrastructure, take water samples, create bathymetric maps of the ocean 
floor, or help with oil and gas exploration. The UUV can link up with 
satellites to send data back to its land-dwelling bosses, and uses standard 
commercial interfaces, so clients don’t have to adapt their equipment or 
software to use it. And because it will spend so much time wandering on its 
own, the Voyager’s packed with redundant systems and backups, Towers says, 
which partly accounts for its size. 
The Voyager, which will be capable of operating under 11,000 feet of water, 
has already spent time testing in Boeing’s 35-foot deep pool in Huntington 
Beach, California, and will start sea trials off the California coast this 
summer. Boeing hasn’t revealed its price, or when it will be commercially 
available. But whenever it’s ready to strike out on its own, it’ll make the 
ocean that much less of a pain in the ass to explore. 
[© Condé Nast] 
Unmanned undersea vehicle can operate autonomously for months 
March 29, 2016 ... "Echo Voyager can collect data while at sea, rise to the 
surface, and provide information back to users in a near real-time 
environment," said Lance Towers, director, Sea & Land, Boeing Phantom Works. 
"Existing UUVs require a surface ship and crew for day-to-day operations. 
Echo Voyager eliminates that need and associated costs." ... 
Boeing’s Echo Voyager: Welcome to the Family 
Boeing  Mar 10, 2016 
Echo Voyager, Boeing’s latest unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV), can operate 
autonomously for months at a time thanks to a hybrid rechargeable power 
system and modular payload bay. The 51-foot-long vehicle is the latest 
innovation in Boeing’s UUV family, joining the 32-foot Echo Seeker and the 
18-foot Echo Ranger. 
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