When I drive my EV, I am conscious of speed.  Not righteously, but it in
the subconscious.  When I drive my gas car I just drive.

I just realized why.  When I drive 60 MPH instead of 75MPH in my EV, the
energy savings is 50%... this translates to DOUBLE range which I might want
that day.

But in a gas car where 75% of the energy in the gas tank is just going to
be burned as heat, then the 50% savings in air-drag energy is only 25% of
the 50% or translates to only an 8% savings in gas... Yawn...

ON days when I know for sure I don't need the extra range, I love driving
the EV pedal-to-the-metal to show off the acceleration.  The added energy
cost is only a few pennies and I replenish it entirely for free from my
home solar.

Hence I can accelerate guilt free, and I can conserve to go the extra
miles.  MY choice.

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