OK big deal the tax credit may be over...deal with it. I didn't get any nor did 
I ever expect or want any thing from government . Did I get a credit when I 
bought my 77 Rolls Royce...hell no. I did make a pile of Money when I sold it.

I read all the post here about what will happen next...come on...the sun 
doesn't set or rise because there is a Tesla
On the road . It's not that important .its just another car, except it runs on 

I make electric cars trucks..but were getting away from cars...no money in 
it..large trucks and GSE is the future
Have I owned a EV hell yes. But sell them off as soon as I can. I'm a realist. 
Gas is cheap. It won't get high again 
For a long time . I can  buy a good car from the 60s for far less then a 
electric..and the 60s car will look good. And out last the crap that the cookie 
cutters are making these days....so there that's my 2cents
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