I just got more EV conversations in 15 minutes parked in front of a grocery
store waiting for my wife than I have gotten in entire wasted days at Green

Typically at these green events, I come away with the feeling that I really
only opened the eyes of 2 or three people after a day of manning a booth..
I get the feeling we are just talking to ourselves.

So, I encourage you to get out of the box!  I parked in the LOADING area in
front of the grocery carts  and sat in the car with the windows down and
read a book while obviously "waiting for my wife"..  This works wonders for
me, because my car is festooned with EV signage.

But even if you drive in stealth EV mode, please have a high visibile
magnetic or stick-on sign that you can use to gather attention while parked
like this.  You will be amazed at the people that come up.

And if not us, then how else are these people going to learn about EV's?

Doesn't hurt to have a pamphlet to hand out either...

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