Hi folks
I like LeafSpy that measures cell voltages and shows fault codes on my Leaf but 
having trouble finding a similar code reader for the Chevy Spark EV I have 
that's similar to the Volt according to mysparkev discussion list that 
recommended the EngineLink iPhone app using the LeLink Bluetooth Obd2 
transmitter that I also use on the Leaf.  The EngineLink app shows DTC fault 
codes but not individual cell voltages with the Chevy Volt Library downloaded. 
I called the dealer but they said they didn't know where to get a reader to see 
the voltages although my shop manual from Helms shows cells wired to some form 
of monitor.  Does anyone know how to measure the cell voltages somehow through 
the Obd2 connector?
Best regards

Sent from my iPhone
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