On 12/22/2016 10:29 AM, EVDL Administrator via EV wrote:
On 22 Dec 2016 at 10:10, Robert Bruninga via EV wrote:

 A software glitch in the THINK CITY made the mistake of leaving the 4
kW heater possibly on, so that on the third step above, the 4kW is
trying to go through a 5W 47 ohm resistor and it blows up.  This kills
the car, and all replacement b0oards are gone, most cannot be repaired

Seriously?  Owners can't replace an open 47 ohm 5 watt resistor???  That's a
standard part available from any electronics part jobber.

I know recent cars are locked down with computer chips in many subsystems so
the owner is forced to buy those subsystems from the dealer rather than from
a boneyard -- but a RESISTOR???  What the heck is going on here?

It may be that when the resistor explodes it takes out lots of other parts of the board it is on....and lack of replacement boards makes it hard to repair.

PS - 4kw strikes me as a pretty feeble heater.

That's slightly double the 1.8kW heater I have in my S-10, which works fine for defrosting and can heat the cabin up within the time it would take an ICE to warm up.

Granted, the S-10 cabin is slightly smaller, but the Think City isn't a super large car, so I would expect a 4 kw heater to be adequate in most regions.

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