Is there any way I can tell the Leaf to only draw 20 amps? The EVSE is 
certainly not doing it.  Remember I am using an EVSE designed for the Ford 
Th!nk. Avcon standard which is supposed to be the same a J1772.   It has worked 
well with both the 3.3kw Leaf and the 6.6kw Leaf.  The problem is in Modesto we 
still have the old 220vac 20 amp circuit and we have to charge there.  We don't 
have the 3,3 kw Leaf anymore. I was skeptical that the EVSE can do this and I 
seem to be proved right even though my new Leaf's have both the 6.6 and 3.3 
charge cycles on the dash. Has anyone ever tried to plug their EVSE into a 20 
amp circuit with a 6.6kw EV?  .   Lawrence Rhodes 
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