I'm in the middle of a 2013 EV conversion project (well is not a very
recent), but as some of you may know; newer vehicles comes with more and
more electronics that operation of some devices and features of the vehicle
relies on the ICE data and information being generated by the ECM (OEM
computer) thru the CAN Bus.

When you convert a vehicle like this, you face some problems by the
abscence of the running engine such:
- non electric powered steering.
- non operation of the AC unit (assuming the AC compressor and everything
is there like original).
- non working turn signals.(some models with digital turn signals)
- missing gauges on the instrument cluster like RPMs, speedometer, etc.
plus a bunch of red and amber known warning lights on. (and of course a lot
of DTC codes when reading the OBD port)
- etc...

I tryed to find other threads about this subject but did not find any, at
least not recently. So I decided to post this one, hope that someone has
already face this problem and become able to fully convert newer models
without affect most OEM features from the vehicle.

If someone has done this, please share your experience. But if not, let me
explain my thoughs and share your comments/feedback of what you think or
suggest me to do:

- My first idea is to design a small PCB with a micro on it, that would
simulate most ot the analog and digital signals that the ECM needs from all
the sensors on the gas engine to keep it running like the water temperature
sensor, oil pressure, cranckshaft sensor, oxigen and manifold sensors (MAF
and MAP), etc.  My theory is that this could be a simple way (since most
sensors are analog 0-12V, 0-5V of On/off outputs) that are not so complex
to emulate, and doing this way; the ECM would believe the ICE is there
running all fine and perfectly.

  Of course, the algorithm and maybe some of the simulated PCB outputs
would have to be changed on every different model of vehicle. (every
manufacturer uses many different sensors). But it would be a nice device if
same vehicle is beeing converted, like in a fleet project.

- The second thing, would be to go on a higher leve of
microcomputer-microcontroller design that would allow to talk to many of
other units on the vehicle thru the CAN bus, trying to replace those
specific commands and data generated by the ICE, needed by those devices to
correctly operate, Such RPM and speed for the electric power steering as

  The challenge here would be that, like the one before; every model and
vehicle brand, has propietary CAN communication protocols that would be a
monumental job to reverse engineer and interpret those codes, isn't it?

I'm not so familiar with automotive CAN procols altough I undestand CAN bus
at the communication/physical level.

Any thougths or suggestions?

Marco Gaxiola
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