> From: Robert Bruninga via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
>> CFBs and LEDs are inherently more complex and costly
>> than old incandescents. But we've "externalized" those costs
>> (and their carbon footprint and energy of production) to China,
>> which is using cheap coal for goods production ...
> The excuse of "china" and their coal consumption is so 2008 legacy and
> triggers a response...

Look, I’m not making this up! Google knows (with 2016 datelines):


While it is true that coal-fired electricity peaked in China in 2014, that 
appears to have been due to global recession, rather than policy. They continue 
to build new coal plants, albeit at a slower rate.

But my go-to source for such things is Gail Tverberg, who has been invited to 
teach energy and resource depletion issues in China. She claims reliance on 
cheap domestic coal is more important than even cheap labour in making China a 
manufacturing powerhouse.


Bottom line: let’s not get too cocky about such things. Yea, I like LEDs, and 
have recently ordered a bunch of them, but at best, they are slowing down our 
overshoot, not stopping it, and they are certainly not “sustainable.”

Anyway, my apologies for taking this off the list subject, into a 
more-controversial subject.


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