Fascinating story on a leading battery researcher and his research and his 
cutting edge contribution to the continuing story of Tesla. 

   Fred Lambert    - Feb. 7th 2017 5:42 pm ET  @FredericLambert   Tesla tesla 
battery Jeff Dahn            
  Jeff Dahn, renowned battery researcher and the leader of Tesla’s research 
partnership through his battery-research group at Dalhousie University, won the 
prestigious Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering this 
week and made some interesting comments about his partnership with Tesla.  Last 
year, Dahn transitioned the group from their 20-year research agreement with 3M 
to a new association with Tesla under the newly formed ‘NSERC/Tesla Canada 
Industrial Research’.Through the agreement, Tesla invested in a new research 
lab close to Dahn’s group near Halifax, Nova Scotia.Dahn is considered a 
pioneer in li-ion battery cells since he has been working on the batteries 
pretty much since they were invented. He is credited of having help increase 
the life cycle of the cells, which helped their commercialization. His work now 
focuses mainly on a potential increase in energy density and durability.They 
have only been working with Tesla for 6 months and his work hasn’t influenced 
the automaker’s products yet, but he says that’s about to change (via CBC):
“At this moment, we’ve been working with Tesla only for six months so far, and 
none of our research has made it into their products yet, but I’m quite 
confident that our work will be incorporated in their products going forward, 
and that’s pretty exciting for us.”
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada released an 
interview with Dahn (watch below) during which he explained that they have 
three main goals with Tesla’s research partnership:   
   - Lower the cost of li-ion batteries
   - Increase their lifetime
   - Increase energy density
The group has published research to identify “unwanted parasitic reactions” 
that degrade batteries and reduce their lifetime. They are trying to eliminate 
all those reactions, which would result in a longevity breakthrough for li-ion 
batteries to last for decades without losing capacity.Tesla developed a new 
battery chemistry in partnership with Panasonic. They are now manufacturing 
those batteries in a new 2170 battery cell format. Following Dahn’s comment 
about his group’s work being “incorporated in Tesla’s products”, we asked a 
Tesla representative if the new cells have been developed with inputs from 
Dahn’s work. We will update if we get an answer.The new cells went into 
production last month at the Gigafactory, but Tesla uses different cell 
chemistry for different applications. The cell currently in production are for 
Tesla’s stationary energy storage products, the Powerwall and Powerpack, and 
new cells will go into production for the Model 3 during the second quarter, 
according to Tesla.Here’s the interview with Dahn:
NSERC Prizes 2017: Jeff Dahn
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NSERC Prizes 2017: Jeff Dahn
 Jeff Dahn is a pioneer in lithium-ion battery research and one of the world’s 
leading innovators in battery tech...  |   |




Making Batteries Better | Jeff Dahn | TEDxDalhousieU

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Making Batteries Better | Jeff Dahn | TEDxDalhousieU
 Jeff Dahn has won countless award for his work on batteries. His talk 
highlights some of his research experience...  |   |




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