Hi   Bruce.
Assuming this time my email finds its target.
I'd not like you to expect to have as much trouble using the rather graphic environment of the internet as I do. Truth is Some internet skilled blind folks do manage amazingly well. You will find Its enormously helpful to be previously skilled. I also find many legally blind internet users are partially sighted and I think this makes a big difference. For example being total I use an Iphone as I find it much more accessible than any android I have tried, yet a partially blind friend much prefers his android phone and is more effective with it. I expect you might retain perhaps only a little, but that is a very useful little eyesight. So you need not expect the loss of your considerable internet sleuthing skills. You might even find eye strain issues abate by using accessible technology.Your Skills and time are valuable to the EVDL. You impress me every time you almost forensically obtain background details to incomplete postings on the list. Also frankly you do a very good job as an advocate for the disabled. In particular. I remember a discussion about noise generators on electric vehicles
and your contribution.along with Robert Llewellyn's utube channel.
I personally would hate for our environment including acoustic to remain polluted when electric vehicles could lower this overlooked problem. I also of course look forward to the advent of total self driving vehicles and I fear retrenchment due to ill-considered opposition to them. The argument
should be a simple statistical one.
Ironically the blind might be better off with some kind of low speed vehicle like those Google has already developed.which could not only find a street address but an entrance. Something buses and trains can't do , certainly finding doors on a first visit is difficult for the blind. As you've seen from the video I am passionate about human-electric hybrid low speed transportation. I think these offer Not only a healthier planet but healthier human inhabitants. The extra Motive force could be set to an individuals requirements.
Currently I'm wondering if the love of cycle touring my sighted wife and
I share could become safer and more comfortable by combining cycling with a self driving ultra low speed cargo transporter. Howabout a small high visibility low speed solar powered cargo carrier trundling along well in front of touring cyclists warning on coming traffic of their presence. while carrying their
heavier camping equipment and food.
We already use a custom electric three wheeled pusher trailer when taking my guide dog with us on tour. This trailer is self powered and self stable with a range of 80 km. All it needs is the smarts of the new Google Alphabet company. After all if the cargo transporter got confused, the following cyclists
could set it right.
So that's a little about the "lurker" and how he employs the inspirational ideas you gather on the internet for us all. Bruce, please keep up your good efforts for just as long as you enjoy the Sleuthing and advocating.
Cheers   Verne.
----- Original Message ----- From: "brucedp5 via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 12:02 PM
Subject: [EVDL] (lurker) Verne enjoys the EVDL: Video with new music.

I find it good to hear from someone that is where I likely will be in a few
Currently, I only have one 100% eye, the other has solar-macular
degeneration from my Vietnam era military service (it has a dead spot in the
vision's center where the back of the eye was solar damaged).

At some point in the future, I will lose my sight too. When I do, it is good
to know that like Verne, I will still be able to read the text of the EVDL
posts ...

[ https://www.google.com/search?q=screen+readers+blind
Screen readers are software programs that allow blind or visually impaired
users to read the text that is displayed on the computer screen with a
speech synthesizer or braille display. A screen reader is the interface
between the computer's operating system, its applications, and the user ...

... though I doubt I will be able to continue to do the EV news searches I
currently do. I am sure there will be new-blood to take the baton and carry
on the good EV-cause fight.

For EVLN EV-newswire posts use:


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