Thanks Tom, this gives us a lot of room to build.  We could even have
real time R or RShiny output to a display to do trends and


On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 6:07 AM, Tom Parker via EV <> wrote:
> I wrote a man in the middle for the leaf battery communication. It uses
> can4python and Kayak's kcd format to describe the signals. It probably only
> works on Linux. Source code is here
> It decodes all the messages received on one interface (from the battery)
> into signals, lets me change their values, and then re-encodes them back
> into the can bus format, recalculates the new checksum when necessary and
> sends them out the other interface (to the car).
> Yesterday I spent some time testing it on a Gen 1 leaf at
> We cut the can bus wires inside the battery box, just after they go through
> the water proof connector to the outside and connected about 1 metre of thin
> figure 8 wire to each side of the cut. This let us access the bus on the car
> and the bus on the battery while the battery was plugged in under the car.
> It's possible to get enough slack in the internal battery loom to feed the
> connector all the way through the machined hole and make room for some extra
> wires to pass through.
> With the two pairs connected together, the car behaved normally, going into
> ready and spinning the wheels.
> The BMS module terminates the bus so we connected a termination resistor to
> the car side of the cut and used termination on the CAN interface talking to
> the battery. We plugged the other end of the man in the middle to the OBD2
> port and didn't use termination.
> The MitM just worked.
> The car is very tolerant of errors on the CAN bus. You can stop the battery
> messages and it goes into turtle mode and all the battery info disappears
> off the instrument cluster. When you re-start the battery messages it goes
> back to normal mode and the battery info reappears. Start-up is quite
> critical, if you don't let the battery send it's start up messages the car
> doesn't go into ready mode. The car never shut down or went into a permanent
> turtle mode while I was messing with data on the bus -- it always went back
> to normal mode if I restored the unmodified messages flow from the BMS. I
> modified the data in nearly every field to see what would happen.
> The car will go into ready and turn the wheels even when it cannot send
> messages to the battery. This means the startup sequence doesn't involve a
> car to battery handshake, even if the car is expecting some startup messages
> from the battery within a time window. The "check engine" light comes on and
> it does record some DTCs:
> * P3180 (EVC-249) VCM detects an error signal that is received from LBC via
> CAN communication for 0.02 seconds or more.
> * P3183 (EVC-250) After a lapse of 0.3 seconds from M/C RELAY ON, the
> following state remains for 2.8 seconds or more: LBC's calculation result to
> the VCM-set example question is incorrect.
> My MitM only works in one direction (from the battery to the car) and it
> turns out my CAN bus setup wouldn't let two programs play together, so when
> I started a CAN repeater (candump -b) to copy data from the car to the
> battery I got corrupted frames and no buffer space errors. I'm going to make
> the MitM work in both directions to resolve this.
> If you play a different car's battery messages into this car, it does not go
> into ready. I didn't spend much time on this and I didn't write code to
> start the BMS messages at the right time, I just started playing the
> recording of a running BMS and switched the car on. One experiment that I
> should have tried was to start the car with it's real battery and then
> switch to messages recorded from a different car. There are some new DTCs
> when you try to start a the car while playing messages recorded from another
> car including
> * P3102 Li-ion Battery ID Registration must be performed if the Li-ion
> battery controller or VCM is replaced.
> The next experiment is to swap in a BMS module from another car.
> I figured out some more of the BMS protocol by messing with the data and
> seeing how the car reacted.
> The Fuel Gauge display on the instrument cluster is powered by the GIDs
> signal (the first 10 bits of 0x5BC), not the state of charge signal (first
> 10 bits of 0x55B). I guess it knows how many GIDS is "full" because the
> battery will have fewer gids and still read full as it ages.
> 0x5BC bits 36-39 (ie the high nibble of the 5th byte) somehow effects the
> Fuel Gauge, lower numbers mean more bars, all other things being the same.
> Maybe this is used to calculate how many GIDs each bar is worth? I haven't
> explored this.
> The battery capacity gauge (the bars outside the fuel gauge) is controlled
> by a muxed field, when 0x5BC bits 32-35 (ie the low nibble of the 5th byte)
> is 0x3, 0x5BC bits 16-19 (ie the low nibble of the 3rd byte) contains the
> capacity bars. I haven't yet used the mux field support in the kcd format to
> express this -- can4python doesn't support it so I had to hand code it. The
> cluster does not remember the capacity -- changing this value directly
> manipulates the number of bars displayed, the value on the can bus is
> literally the number of bars (0x0 -> no bars, 0xC -> 12 bars).
> Ed Blackmond earlier reported that his car shows the original capacity not
> the new capacity after he replaced the cells while keeping the original BMS
> module. What data do you see on this field?
> The indicated temperature on the instrument cluster is controlled by another
> muxed field, when 0x5C0 is 0x40, the indicated temperature is controlled by
> the 3rd byte of 0x5C0. This mux has 3 values, on this car all 3 are similar
> in the 3rd byte, but only the when the mux is 0x40 does the 3rd byte control
> the temperature in the instrument cluster.
> Many thanks to Carl at for letting me torture his car.
> _______________________________________________
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Sean Korb
'65 Suprang,'68 Cougar,'78 R100/7,'60 Metro,'59 A35,'71 Pantera #1382
"The more you drive, the less intelligent you get" --Miller
"Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers." -P. Picasso
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