On a 75 degree day in 2012, I drove our 2011 Leaf 127 miles with 30 miles
showing on the available range, (Of course, I also drove it at 26 degrees
on a winter morning and had 26 miles of range showing after driving 18
miles (with a lot of hills)).

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Lawrence Rhodes via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> I have personally driven a 24kw Leaf 90 miles and had 20% charge left.  I
> have driven my 30 kw leaf over a hundred miles and using the trip odometer
> and remaining range showed 150 miles as a possibility.  A friend from San
> Diego told me he went 318 miles...so how is this possible?  Lawrence Rhodes
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Remember, it is not that the glass is half empty, in reality, the glass is
merely twice the size that it needs to be! -TNT'82
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