
Congress Urged Not to Throw out EV Rebates
December 8, 2017  Congress has been pushing to finalize a tax reform plan by
the end of the year, and it could have consequences for the future of
electric vehicles. Although the Senate wants to keep federal EV rebates, a
proposal from the House would eliminate the $7,500 tax credit that consumers
receive for buying an electric vehicle. Now ...
4 Ways the GOP Tax Plan Is Terrible for the Environment
December 8, 2017  At points, Congress kicked around gutting the wind
industry's tax energy credit by 40 percent, with solar energy taking
additional but less devastating cuts. Although the Senate ultimately decided
not to include the ... A tax credit for electric vehicles is also in
jeopardy. Under existing tax law, people who purchase an electric ...
Mayors, industry press Congress to keep EV rebate in final tax bill
December 8, 2017  WASHINGTON -- Electric vehicle and clean-energy proponents
are urging Congress to preserve a consumer tax credit they insist is
critical to mass adoption of the technology …
TAX CREDITS: The Electric Drive Transportation Association, representing all
segments of the electric car supply chain, sent a letter Thursday urging
Congress to save the $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles in the tax
reform legislation.
The House version of the bill kills the subsidy, while the Senate does not.
Now that both chambers have passed the bills, a conference committee has
been formed to reconcile the differences. So the credit could survive before
going to President Trump’s desk.
“The Section 30D credit is working as intended to promote the deployment of
plug-in electric drive vehicles by multiple vehicle manufacturers and ensure
that the United States leads, rather than follows, in this critical advanced
technology,” said Genevieve Cullen, the group’s president. “U.S. leadership
in EV technology expands our global competitiveness and creates domestic
Renewable Energy Is Surging. The GOP Tax Bill Could Curtail That.
Dec 7, 2017  The House bill's effects would be more direct, rolling back tax
credits for wind farms and electric vehicles, while increasing federal
support for two nuclear reactors under construction in Georgia. Fossil fuel
producers are under little pressure in either bill and some would stand to
benefit: The Senate legislation would open the ...
End of Federal EV Tax Credit Would Not Be the Death of EVs
Dec 4, 2017  Whether or not the US Congress ends the tax credit for electric
vehicles on December 31, 2017, it won't be a disaster for sales of electric
cars in the US in 2018 and beyond. More on that in minute. First, when the
Senate approved its version of new tax legislation on Friday, December 1,
there still was no mention of the ...
If you plan to buy an electric car, you should do it this month
Dec 1, 2017  But this year, there may be another reason to buy a plug-in
electric car by December 31. It's possible that the U.S. income-tax credit
of $2,500 to $7,500 for buying a plug-in car may be ended if Congress
manages to pass a "tax reform" bill. Of the two drafts for a tax bill
introduced in recent weeks, the one from the House of ...
Last Call for Electric-Car Tax Credit?
December 8, 2017  Time could be running out on the chance for new-car buyers
to pocket a tax credit worth up to $7,500 for the purchase of a new electric
... Congress is considering pulling the plug on a lucrative tax credit for
buyers of electric cars …

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