Bob Bruninga said (in part):
> With solar, day will become the new night, with the cheapest energy
available during the day. Already is in California.
Where are you getting that?  That is certainly not true.  Demand is still 
highest during the day (or with the current weather that results in very little 
air conditioning load, during dinner).  As soon as the weather warms up, air 
conditioning load drives the electric consumption to the highest loads (and 
therefore, prices).  Yes, solar offsets some of the air conditioning load, but 
FAR from all of it. 
This week, most of California is cold (by our standards), but clear.  That 
means that the AC load is very small, but solar is doing pretty well (for 
winter months).  Looking at yesterday's chart from the California Independent 
System Operator (the people who manage bulk power statewide), the largest 
difference between total demand and net demand (total minus solar and wind) was 
about 10:25 AM.  That seems a little odd since that is hours before normal peak 
solar hour.  The chart does not differentiate between solar and wind.  There is 
a different chart that does break down sources of renewable energy.  It 
confirms that the solar peak was about 10:25.  As I type this (08:25 AM) solar 
is producing 2,828 MW and wind is 86 MW.  This constitutes about 62% of 
renewable sources, and all renewable sources constitute 18.5% of total demand.
If you want to see what it's doing, check out:
Jim Walls - K6CCC
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