Since the EV newswires are quiet, I'm taking some evdl bandwidth to mention
(ot) I achieved another milestone, my vehicle is now registered as a Texan.
I proudly put its Texas lic plates and windshield sticker on (even in the
cold, drizzling rain). My next goal is to get a Texas driver's license (step
by step I am inching my way to achieving goals). Meanwhile, the 24x7
mil-base tank-battalion cannon-fire (boom) explains why the rent is low
where I am (its loud enough to be heard near Austin, 45mi away):
 ...  many social media users speculated about SpaceX ( ) --
remembering a 2013 incident, where two nitrogen-filled tanks that were
over-pressurized ruptured at the private space company's McGregor [TX]
location ... ( /ot )

Speaking of spacex ... local tv news broadcasted:

 (ot ... which was quickly out-done by being followed by:
 kid sold 312-boxes/6hrs to ca potheads ... /ot )

At first I thought the phrase
... the car ...
 (instead of saying it was an EV)
 was on purpose by the station. But further digging ...
Elon Musk Sends Electric Car Into Space Aboard World's Most Powerful Rocket
2018/02/06  WASHINGTON — SpaceX made history Tuesday afternoon when it
successfully …
 ... flight sends Tesla Roadster into space ...
[flash  video]
(Heavy Animation)

 ... it seems the pr copy given/made available to the media by spacex used
the phrase  'the car'  rather than promoting Tesla EVs. 
?I suppose that is by Musk's thinking to not associate them together?

Listed below are some more news items found searching  spacex tesla roadster

See Views of SpaceX's Starman Riding a Tesla Roadster in Space! hours ago
Update for Feb. 7: SpaceX's live webcast of the Tesla Roadster and its
Starman mannequin lasted for just over four hours after the Falcon Heavy's
launch on Tuesday, Feb. 6. But you can see that full video stream here in
the window above, courtesy of SpaceX. The Roadster and Starman now headed
for ...

Here's the last shot SpaceX got of Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster and ...
Business Insider-2 hours ago

Why Does the Tesla Look So Fake in Space? We Asked a Chemist
Featured-Live Science-4 hours ago

SpaceX oddity: how Elon Musk sent a car towards Mars
In-Depth-The Guardian-16 hours ago

Commentary: What Elon Musk's sports car in space says about us ...
Opinion-Channel NewsAsia-21 hours ago

Elon Musk Does it Again
Blog-Scientific American (blog)-9 hours ago

Here's why it says 'DON'T PANIC!' on the dashboard of the car Elon ...
Business Insider-13 hours ago

NOW WATCH: Watch SpaceX launch a Tesla Roadster to Mars on the Falcon Heavy
rocket — and why it matters. Error loading player: No playable sources
found. More: Falcon Heavy launch SpaceX Elon Musk spacex launch · facebook ·
linkedin · twitter; email; print

SpaceX streams video of Tesla Roadster floating through space 6, 2018

Elon Musk's cherry red Tesla Roadster automobile floats through space after
it was carried there by SpaceX's Falcon Heavy, the rocket company said.
Rough Cut (no reporter narration). 

Falcon Heavy launch: SpaceX all set to take Tesla Roadster to Mars ...
Economic Times-Feb 6, 2018

SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket is poised to blast off Tuesday afternoon (local
time) from Florida's Kennedy Space Center. It's the long-awaited test flight
the rocket. Once it soars, it will become the world's most powerful rocket
in use today. The Heavy is equipped with three boosters and 27 engines
designed ...

Radiation Will Tear Elon Musk's Rocket Car to Bits in a Year
Live Science-Feb 6, 2018
There's a "midnight cherry" Tesla Roadster hurtling toward deep space right
now, the first-ever payload of the Falcon Heavy rocket. It's worth asking
why this is happening, and Live Science has. But given that it is happening,
it's also worth asking what is going to happen to this electric sportscar
condemned ...

PHOTOS: Huge anticipation for SpaceX's Falcon Heavy test flight
Central Florida News 13-Feb 6, 2018
A preview video was released on Monday night, with Musk himself envisioning
to play in his mind as the Falcon Heavy launches into orbit bringing with it
the heaviest payload SpaceX has ever launched. It is equipped with Musk's
own personal cherry red Tesla Roadster electric car, which will be launched

SpaceX Launches Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" Books Into Deep ...
Inverse-11 hours ago
If future interplanetary human colonists, living beyond Earth, need some
reading material, Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster could turn out to be a
message-in-a-bottle style library. In addition to the spacesuited dummy
driver “Starman,” SpaceX revealed the space-bound Roadster also includes a
copy of three of ...

% IMO as an EVangel, it was a missed EV promotioon opportunity %

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