On Sun Mar 04 19:55:19 PST 2018 ev@lists.evdl.org said:
>R. Sparks Scott <spa...@kcst.com> asked me to post this for him, as he's
>not subscribed. He wrote:
>> Aside from the worn-out idea that impromptu series hybrids are
>> anything worth bothering with, John needs to know that his *diesel*
>> genset head is intended to be driven by a diesel engine, not a
>> gasoline engine. Why this matters is that all directly-driven
>> generator heads for diesels will be optimized for 1800 RPM at rated
>> output (for 60Hz), while gasoline (and LPG) heads will expect 3600
>> RPM.

yes, I know that.  I was actually planning on using a cog-belt pulley to handle 
the RPM difference.
I also know that a home-made series hybrid isn't an especially efficient way to 
I do believe that it will be MORE efficient than driving my 16mpg diesel rig 
for many trips.
It will also be more efficient than using my diesel rig to tow the EV to more 
distant car shows.

>You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
>something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
>-- R. Buckminster Fuller
>Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377, www.sunrise-ev.com


Tigers prowl and Dragons soar in my dreams...
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