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On 4/16/2018 4:08 PM, Bill Woodcock via EV wrote:

On Apr 16, 2018, at 10:24 AM, EVDL Administrator via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> 

What's the problem with Siemens?
The small problem is that their motors have lousy thermal efficiency, and even 
lousier thermal dissipation.  Nonetheless, they’re inductive, and there weren’t 
a lot of other non-PM options at the time I was first shopping.  And they’re 
not so bad that you wouldn’t use them, just bad enough that you wouldn’t choose 
them now that there are better options.

The big problem is that they try to “pick favorites” among their customers, and 
choose one among several that are competing with each other, and try to 
bankrupt the rest.  That’s been particularly obvious in the aviation space, 
after they decided that Airbus was their customer-of-choice, and all of their 
other longstanding customers would suddenly have deals revoked or not honored.

With us, they were very buddy-buddy and sending biz-dev folks around to try to 
pile on additional deals, while ignoring Azure Dynamics, and refusing to sell 
them hardware they were happily shipping to us.  Azure Dynamics went bankrupt.  
We bought most of the remains.  Then Siemens decided they didn’t like us, and 
refused to send software that was already contracted _and paid for in full_, 
and said “sue us…  in Germany.”  The problem with that being that they’re 
essentially immune from lawsuit in Germany, and German law puts the full cost 
of the defense of an unsuccessful lawsuit onto the plaintiff.  So Siemens just 
throws their own staff counsel at it, running up the bill as quickly as they 
can, until the plaintiff bails out because they can’t afford to pay for both 
sides of the case.

So we’re out less than a half-million in the actual cost of garbage inverters 
and such that couldn’t be used without the software they never shipped, but 
lost several million more, and probably three years of time in the friction of 
trying to deal with them.  We’d have been far, far better off if we’d never 
heard of them, and just started our process three years later, after there were 
more component suppliers in the market.

And that story is pretty typical of people in the EV space who’ve tried to deal 
with them.  The only success I can think of off-hand is the original Ford 
Ranger; Ford’s big enough and canny enough not to get taken.  But you didn’t 
see them wanting to deal with Siemens directly again, either.

To my observation, German business culture is just really, really corrupt.  
Siemens is constantly getting investigated for different kinds of fraud, and 
the whole dieselgate thing seemed very typical to me.  We’re sticking with 
suppliers in the US and Japan and the Netherlands and so forth, going forward.


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