What netflix show?

(sorry... I've been on and off on this list since forever and only
resubscribed a couple of weeks ago)

On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 3:11 PM, Damon Henry via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> He's fine.  I had breakfast with him just a couple of days ago.  The
> accident was last fall during filming for the show on Netflix and only the
> two cars involved got hurt.  Zombie is sitting in a shop waiting for
> repairs.  In the meantime John is busy trying to finish up his 400 mile per
> charge Honda Insight - EV1 conversion he is dubbing EV2 :)  It's a project
> he started several years ago, but put on hold for a few years after the
> death of his wife Cheryl.  He is now in the latter stages and thinks it
> might be on the road some time in the next few months.
> Damon

Eduardo Kaftanski
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