On 2 May 2018 at 22:11, Marco Gaxiola via EV wrote:

> Nikola plans to build a 1 billion dollar manufacturing facility for its
> fuel cell trucks near Phoenix, Arizona next year. 

I can't speak to their infringment claims, but I will say that I wish I had 
$100 for every EV startup in the last 40 years that talked up big glitzy 
plans to build an expensive factory in some out of the way place.  I've seen 
it happen over and over again, largely thanks to Bruce's diligent pursuit of 
these stories.  

Here's the way it usually goes.

The company gets a bargain-priced option on a chunk of land. They make 
glowing promises of skilled high-wage jobs Real Soon Now.  The state and 
county governments offer them tax abatements, and sometimes even build 
expensive taxpayer-financed infrastructure for them.

The target date for groundbreaking comes, but ... oops, there's a little 
hitch.  The financing isn't all lined up, or something.  Whatever.  The date 
gets pushed out a few months, then a year, then two, then three.  The land 
the company optioned sits empty.  

More years go by.  The slick website hasn't been updated and they've long 
since quit posting on social media.  Nobody answers the phone.  The 
newspaper sends a reporter to knock on their office door, but it's silent, 
abandoned, dark and dusty.  The reporter writes a "whatever happened to" 
story anyway.  

And then it's all forgotten, even the incentives paid for by taxpayers, and 
the city and county and state move on to some other entrepreneur's vague 
promise to spend his investors' money hiring a few locals.

Will these guys be an exception?  I hope so.  We could use more competition 
in the EV business.  

I'm not thrilled with the fuel cell idea, I don't have much respect for 
companies whose main product is lawsuits, and the name "Nikola" strikes me 
as a dumb idea.  But I wish them success in building and sellng EVs.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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