I have a 2003 Nevco Gizmo that used to be my primary errand vehicle. With a 
"consumption" of 200 watt hours per mile, it was pretty inexpensive to operate. 
Two wheels in front for steering and braking (Brembo dual piston disk brakes) 
and one in the rear for motivation, it is commonly called a reverse trike 
I would not take a corner at highway speeds, but navigating a curve at highway 
speeds (top speed 52 mph) was no big deal.
In the slower neighborhood, it is unremarkable to make a 90° turn through an 
intersection at reasonable velocity. The battery pack in the Gizmo is quite 
low, suspended between the wheels and has a wonderfully low center of gravity. 
I probably removed more rubber from the wheels from go-cart cornering than from 
any other activity.
In one such turn, the rear wheel caught some collected sand and gave me a bit 
more of the go-cart feeling as it danced sideways a bit. Not much sand, not 
much dancing, unfortunately.
My velomobile is also three wheels, two in front and is almost as stable. I had 
in the past brought it up on two wheels, but it takes a special kind of um, uh, 
idiocy to pursue that type of operation. In the few circumstances in which I 
was two-wheelin', it took only a twitch in the steering to bring it back. The 
Gizmo will more likely spin out than lift an inside wheel. I babied the Gizmo, 
as I did not want to "gun it" and have to replace an expensive drive belt. Once 
or twice, I might have spun the rear wheel with enthusiastic application of the 
F-16 trigger throttle with which the later models were equipped. I believe I 
might have been able to start a drive, as EVs have higher torque at low rpm, 
but it drops back to the belt replacement aspect.

I suspect the new crop of EV reverse trikes will also keep the battery pack low 
for CG reasons. It makes me wonder if the ICE reverse trikes are less stable 
due to the higher mass involved in the operator placement and engine location. 
They might be able to intentionally lift an inside wheel and certainly able to 
break the back end free.
fredGizmo for sale, inquire within.


Original Message: 16
From: Bobby Keeland <keela...@gmail.com>

When ATVs were first introduced as 3-wheelers I had one, but did not keep
it for long. 3-wheelers are an accident waiting to happen. With 2 wheels in
the front these car/motorcycle combinations may be safe, but it would take
a lot to convince me. Has anyone on the EVDL actually driven one of these
things and gone around a corner at highway speed?

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