Sounds like a disaster in the making.

You never want a relay to be energized to disable the charger.

But you already knew that.


On 5/25/2018 9:38 AM, Steve Clunn via EV wrote:
This is a great meter at a good price but I have found one glitch that
people should know about when using this meter to turn off battery chargers
at a set voltage. The way the instructions show to hook the meter up
requires that the meter not lose power for it to hold the battery charger
relay in an off State. So if you lose your 12 volt power that powers the
meter it won't shut off the relay that you have controlling your battery
charger. If you configure it the other way so that when the relay in the
meter is on the battery charger is on then you constantly have the relay in
the meter on and drawing current. This is not so  bad a trade-off but adds
more to your 12 volt load.  if the relay that's turning your charger off is
also on the 12 volt system then having the 12 volt system go down may not
cause a problem as your relay that's controlling the charger will also
stop   but that said it is something to think about when you're setting
your system up. One could also set the meter up so that when the batteries
were fully charged and the meter relay turned off the charger that it also
turned off the power to the meter and then we wouldn't have that continuous
load on the system.       Steve clunn  with
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