Hi Dan and All,                A solar boat is likely in my future too. 
 The voltage are normal for that type of cell, 49.5vdc top and 36 though under 
39vdc, there is little energy left as it drops off a cliff.               So 
I'm using 39vdc as my lower cutoff though manual, it can be done by the HB404 
too as has 2 programable if harder than hell relay drivers.               I 
just use power supplies set to 49.5vdc for charging now and using a MPJA 
100vdc, 100amp wthr meter to just keep track.               Steve has a good 
point but something anyone should be thinking about when designing a system 
what might happen.  Running it off  48vdc means both can go down together too. 
But each system is different.              I'm not running any BMS as most 
don't as too much an expensive PITA.  And the quality of the cells seem to not 
be needed at first.  After it ages could be another matter.              There 
are some interesting low cost bike BMS chips that could work at 48vdc.          
   A 4kwh module is 2 48vdc sections,  5 kwh has 2 48vdc and a 12vdc sections, 
a 7 kwh has a 12vdc and 3 48vdc sections though that has changed in recent 
packs.  But few of them are out there yet, most being 2012-2014 model yrs.      
       And heavy at 25lbs./kwh.  But cheap, powerful.             On a boat I'd 
keep it at 48vdc for shock hazard unless no other choice .              If I 
were you charging from the grid I'd just buy a settable  powersupply for hands 
off and use your lead chargers as bulk charging with a timer doing most of it, 
and the PS finishing it off is how I'm , most are doing it.               I'm 
looking for surplus/cheap 1-4kw 48vdc power supplies myself and exactly where 
one can find  used 48vdc 2kw and up UPS systems? .                              
 Jerry Dycus

      From: Dan Baker via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
 To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
Cc: Dan Baker <vmd...@gmail.com>
 Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2018 8:47 AM
 Subject: Re: [EVDL] Lots of 12v lithium batteries available.
This a great relevant thread for me.  I'm interested in going from Lead to
Lithium on my boat and I believe Volt cells are likely the most available
and least expensive to me.  The Volt cells appear to have different charge
points than most Lithium so the HB404 looks like a great solution.  Jerry,
do you just use one HB404/ contactor  for a string of cells that add up to
120v when charged? No other BMS? I'm looking at doing 96v setup, doubling
my current 48v setup.  I was thinking 2 x 48v packs, 2 HB404s and
contactors and using 2 x 48v chargers that I already own.  Appreciate any
advice on this, excited to switch to Lithium but nervous of destroying a
set in the learning stage lol.


On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 1:36 PM Len Moskowitz via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> Thanks Jerry, but I'd like to keep the lead-acid form factor and use the
> existing charger.
> Len M.
> -----
> On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 12:30 PM, jerry freedomev wrote:
>    Hi Len and All,
>            2  5kwh,  120vdc nom  Volt modules would by far be the best,
> lowest cost solution.  And for charging just add an HB404 wthr meter and
> a contactor to cut the voltage off at fully charged using your present
> charger likely.
>            Each take about the same space as 2.5 of your 12vdc lead
> batteries.  And cost $1500-$2300 buying modules, not much more than
> lead, less than premium lead.
>            Since 2 modules will put out 2k amps and weigh much less,
> lead EVs  I've sold them for nicely  increase both range and pickup even
> with the same rated kwh.  And one can add another module or 2 for more
> range.
>              My rebuild of my EV trike pickup into the subcar it was
> suppose to be  I'll put 2 5kwh modules in it for about 120 mile range.
> Could put in 250 miles worth.
>                      Jerry Dycus
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