Video: All-Electric Car Taxi Lets You Pay by Singing
28 June 2018  Peter Brown

The karaoke ride-sharing program will begin in early July in Finland.
Source: Fortum

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There are a variety of new ways to garner transportation via taxi being
developed by multiple manufacturers.

It could be via an autonomous vehicle where you may or may not have a driver
along. Or it could be in a flying car, soaring above the ground in order to
avoid all traffic and reach a destination quicker. Or it could be on a fleet
of autonomous boats that use the sea to carry passengers skipping roads

Or you might just have to sing a song and get a free ride.

At least that’s the idea behind clean energy company Fortum, which is
promoting its Singalong Shuttle concept that combines ride-sharing with
carpool karaoke in all-electric vehicles.

The project will be introduced in early July at the Ruisrock festival in
Turku, Finland, one of oldest organized rock festivals in Europe that
attracts more than 100,000 visitors each year.

Fortum is using the Singalong Shuttle to provide a way to bring greater
awareness to clean energy and sustainable ways of travel. The company has
rolled out one of the largest EV charging networks in the Nordic regions
with more than 2,000 charges across the area.

The shuttles are run on BMW i3 electric cars and are equipped with a sound
level meter that tracks the noise level during the ride. The cars contain a
tablet so the passengers can choose the songs they want to sing and follow
the lyrics. The drivers of the shuttles don’t accept cash or credit cards as
the only way to pay is to sing.

So if you are hard up for cash and need a ride in Finland, get those pipes
ready to belt out a song and pick a destination.
[© 2018 IEEE GlobalSpec]
The taxi service that's free... as long as you keep singing video
June 29 2018  DAMIEN O'CARROLL

Finnish clean energy company is providing a free EV taxi service at a music
festival. The catch is you have to sing for it...
"Keep singing and you'll get a free ride" is probably a better hook than
"Keep singing and the bear won't hurt anyone."
Pharrell's tastes head more towards classic BMWs. And sitting on them,
rather than in them

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Going to a Finnish music festival and want a free ride? As long as you are
happy to sing, then you are in luck!

Going to a Finnish music festival and want a free ride? As long as you are
happy to sing, then you are in luck!

Do you enjoy singing in front of strangers in a confined space? Like the
interior of a BMW i3?

Are you going to be in Finland next month and want a free ride to a music

Well, if you can say 'yes' to all of those increasingly obscure questions,
then you are in luck - a Finnish clean energy company is providing a taxi
service to the Ruisrock festival that is free, as long as you keep singing.

Finnish clean energy company is providing a free EV taxi service at a music
festival. The catch is you have to sing for it...

The Fortum Singalong Shuttle is a taxi service that only accepts singing as
payment - as the company says, combining ride sharing with Carpool Karaoke -
and only uses pure electric BMW i3 BEVs.

The shuttle is provided by Finnish clean-energy company Fortum, that owns
and operates the largest EV charging network in the Nordic region with more
than 2000 chargers across the area and says it wants to "engage its
customers and the society to join the change for a cleaner world."

"Keep singing and you'll get a free ride" is probably a better hook than
"Keep singing and the bear won't hurt anyone."

"With Singalong Shuttle we want to show people in a joyful way how
comfortable and easy it is to drive an electric car," says Fortum's Brand
Manager Jussi Mälkiä.

"The silent electric cars make it possible to enjoy singing without
background noise and emissions."

Each Fortum Singalong Shuttle car is equipped with a sound level meter that
tracks the noise level, as well as a tablet so the passengers can choose the
songs they want to sing and follow the lyrics on their way to the music

Pharrell's tastes head more towards classic BMWs. And sitting on them,
rather than in them.

Ruisrock is Finland's oldest - and Europe's second oldest - continuously
organised rock festival that attracts over 100 000 visitors each year and
features a wide range of both Finnish and international stars that, this
year, includes Pharrell Williams, The Chainsmokers, Dua Lipa and Alma.

If you do happen to be in Finland, want a free ride and feel like a sing,
then it takes place on July 6-8th at the national park of Ruissalo in Turku,
[© 2018 Stuff]

Electric taxis reduce stress, study finds
June 30. 2018  Given that electric vehicles coined the phrase "range
anxiety," one might be inclined to think that taxis powered by a
rechargeable battery would increase the ...

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