
On my Sunday trip back, I drove i-35 north. Once I had reached Buda (north
of San Antonio, south of Austin)
 I spotted a silver Tesla EV. I sped up from my usual (lower ice polluting)
right lane @65mph driving (w/ a 75mph TX speed limit), and changed lanes for
a closer look ...

What's the big deal?
Well, where I am residing in the northern part of Central Texas (CTX),
public L3 charging is practically non-existent. Thus, having the experience
of sharing the road with an EV is also next to nil.

As it turns out, since there is currently nil L3 EVSE in San Antonio, I also
saw no EVs while I was there. 

So, for me at the end of my week-long down-south exploring San Antonio for
options, and now on my way back, to see an EV was quite a treat (when I
lived in Silicon Valley, CA there were so many EVs, it was a very common
sighting ... but not here).

The TX lic plate # ended in 8884 of the silver Tesla-S p85.
Typically, all Tesla owners are quite fastidious about keeping their EV
pristine clean (I figure its a keeping up with the Jones' effort/shtick).
But this Tesla-S had a couple of days (a weekend's worth) of dried bird and
tree droppings on it. Since the news media keeps touting a drought, we
should cut that driver some slack, and assume they will give their EV a
water-less wash after they get home (they likely live in Austin where there
are more EVs around).

After I'd had my gander(look-see), I changed lanes right and dropped my
speed back down. There was a huge(puffy) TX pickup truck with dually rear
tires tailgating/(harassing) the Tesla, so the Tesla changed lanes right to
the middle lane. But they were going faster, and I lost sight of them before
I reached Round Rock.

(? Is it worth moving south near the San Antonio VA Hospital just so I can
satisfy my occasional EV sighting addiction ? ... maybe)

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