'no human driver and no engineer riding along'

% The newsitem below is about auton hevs not EVs. Perhaps when Waymo starts
using i-pace EVs in Phoenix-AZ, Gail can report on what she sees.

Here in Texas, Walmart stores are used big-time for pick-up orders.
Especially in this week's 111f heat. From the comfort of their running
air-conditioned ice (usually a huge 4-door TX truck), the public order their
groceries online. Then drive to the pickup parking area of the store,
waiting in air-conditioned comfort (again with the ice running). They text
what pickup space they are parked in, and their grocery order is carted out,
and put in their vehicle for them.

I am wondering how well having an I-pace EV come pick the customer up at
their home, pickup the order, and then bring them back home would
work-out/be-received here in TX(?). 

The post I had made
EVangel-about: public confused about/over auton & EVs

 was not a Walmart, but it might give an idea that here, TX locals may not
be keen to be picked up (they would rather drive themselves), and may not
like auton vehicles. 

Phoenix is a high population area, and so is San Antonio & Austin. So, big
city Texan views may be different. Like Phoenix residents, rather than fight
the congestion, traffic, & hassle, large TX city residents may be more
willing to be driven to-from their home to get their groceries(?). %

Waymo Partners With Walmart & 4 Other Companies For Autonomous Rides In
Phoenix Area
July 26th, 2018  Steve Hanley 

[image  / Waymo
Waymo Pacifica Phoenix (hev)

With 82,000 self driving vehicles on order — 62,000 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid
minivans and 20,000 Jaguar I-PACE electric SUVs — Waymo is preparing to
enter the world of autonomous ride hailing and ridesharing big time, as Dick
Cheney might say. In a blog post dated July 25 on Medium, Waymo announced
its next step in its plan to offer autonomous vehicle services on a wide

“Later this week, Walmart and Waymo will launch a test pilot that gives
early riders savings on groceries each week when they are ordered on
Walmart.com. While orders are being prepared at the store, Waymo vehicles
will transport the rider to and from Walmart to collect their groceries.”
Early riders are people who have signed up to use Waymo’s self-driving
Pacificas in the Phoenix area. Those cars have no human driver and no
engineer riding along to step in if something goes amiss.

Waymo is also partnering with real estate developer DDR. People who want to
go shopping or dine at its upscale Ahwatukee Foothills Towne Center in
Chandler, Arizona, can now get there and back aboard one of Waymo’s
self-driving Pacificas. The Element Hotel in Chandler is also a new member
of Waymo’s partnership arrangements. Frequent business travelers who stay at
the Element Hotel can now commute back and forth courtesy of a Waymo
self-driving car.

At AutoNation stores in the Phoenix area, customers can now use a Waymo
vehicle instead of a loaner car while their regular car is being serviced.
AutoNation already provides charging and maintenance services for the Waymo
fleet of self-driving cars in the Phoenix area, as does the Avis Budget
Group. Avis customers can now take advantage of a Waymo van as a “last-mile”
transportation solution when picking up or dropping off a rental car in the
Chandler area.

Waymo continues to take small but significant steps toward bringing
autonomous mobility to cities across the US. By offering these free services
in Phoenix, it is helping take away some of the fear and mistrust that
people have about self-driving cars.

According to the company’s latest blog post, “While these are Metro
Phoenix-specific partnerships today, these businesses are national and what
we learn from these programs will give us a network of partners when we
launch in new cities down the road. We’re proud to be a part of Metro
Phoenix and are excited to grow and add partnerships that support the cities
we operate in, bring unique value to our riders, and give more people access
to a safe, self-driving future.”

Elon Musk says that one day self-driving cars will be as common as
self-service elevators. That is probably true, but the odds are they will
carry the Waymo logo on their flanks rather than the insignia of any other
company, including Tesla. It is generally assumed within the autonomous
driving community that the first company to bring true self-driving
technology to market will enjoy a significant competitive advantage. Waymo
has every intention of getting there firstest with the mostest.
[© cleantechnica.com]

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