% The newsitem below barely mentions EVs and is more concerned about keeping
cell phones charged. If you read through their safety tips, EV owners in
areas where utility power cuts are imminent, could follow the same tips but
also apply them to their EV.

Not mentioned is a standard ice alternator does not put out much current to
recharge the 12V ice-starter battery. Likely the most one could sustain with
the ice running on a full tank would be a low power level from the 12V to
120VAC inverter drawing off that start battery. Perhaps not even enough to
recharge an EV at L1.

But that inverter could run the refrigerator, or recharge phones, or the TV,

It has been previously posted before on the evdl where an EV was used to
power the above devices. But not directly off the EV's high-voltage pack,
but inefficiently off the EV's 12V aux battery recharged off the EV's high
voltage pack.

Short of selecting an EV purchase with V2G capability, and also buying the
equipment to tap into the EV V2G power more efficiently, most EV'r would
likely use the same cheaper method as pulling power off the ice 12V starter
battery. %

PG&E may cut electricity during high fire danger, are you prepared?
July 27, 2018  Juan Carlos Guerrero

Ronald Cheung from Garage Masters shows how to open a garage door during a
power outage

If it is too hot, stay inside. That is what experts are saying as the
record-breaking heat continues.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Fire season is upon us and PG&E warns that it may cut
electrical power during days of strong winds and extreme fire danger to
prevent a tragedy like last year's Wine Country fires, when it is suspected
that downed transformers sparked several fires.

A forced blackout would leave residents in the dark, in more ways than one.
That's because devices we have come to rely on need electricity to function,
like WiFi transmitters, streaming televisions and digital assistants like
Amazon's Echo and Google Home.

Here are some tips to prepare for a power outage.

    1. Keep your [EV&] smartphone fully charged.

    2. Use an external battery charger that can charge your [EV&] phone
several times. If possible, purchase a more robust battery charger that can
charge several devices at a time.

    3. Turn your [ice] car into an emergency generator by using a power
inverter that turns DC current from your vehicle to AC current to power home
devices from your car.

    4. Store plenty of batteries to power LED flashlights and portable
radios. Remember, streaming services won't work without electricity.

    5. Refill your car's gas tank when it reaches half a tank to avoid being
caught without gasoline during a prolonged blackout. Gas pumps rely on
electricity to function. If you own an electric vehicle, keep it fully

    6. Keep plenty of cash on hand since ATM machines likely won't work
during a power outage. Credit card machines also require electricity.

    7. Disconnect your computer and use a surge protector to avoid damage
from a power surge when the electricity comes back on.

    8. Learn to operate your garage door without electricity. Pull on the
red handle that should be dangling from the garage door unit. This will
unhinge the door from the rail so that you can manually lift the door. Some
doors have a key so they can be opened from the outside during a power

    9. Freeze water in plastic containers so that they will keep food cold
during a temporary outage. A freezer can keep food safe for 48 if the door
is unopened. The refrigerator should maintain cool temperatures for about
four hours if the door is not opened.

    10. Make sure every member of your family has an emergency contact list
printed out in case a cellphone battery dies.

    11. Store non-perishable foods and drinking water for you and your
family. Items like crackers, trail mix, canned tuna and dried fruit do not
require a stove or electricity to prepare.

    12. Consider your family's medical needs. Store necessary medications
and prepare an emergency power source for any medical devices that require
[© 2018 ABC, KFSN-TV Fresno, CA]
redding "carr" fire
CA fires (map)
Carr Fire more than doubles in size near Redding, California
July 28, 2018  12 hours ago - Map showing the east side of the Carr Fire
near Redding at 1:45 a.m. PDT July 28, 2018. The yellow line was the
perimeter 25 hours before ... (map)

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