On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 7:51 PM, Alan Arrison via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> I guarantee that the inferior Chinese cells will change capacity as they are
> cycled and not by just a few percent.
> Running them without a BMS is a recipe for disaster. Damaged cells at best,
> a fire at worst.
> All the Chinese cells are junk, especially the CALBS.
> Al

I'm so glad my cells didn't talk to you! Manufactured 11/2009,
installed and on the road 1/2010. No attached BMS other than split
pack voltage monitor since 7/2011 and all 40 cells are doing just fine
when checked in 3/2018. End of charge voltage 3.465V held for 45 min
during the CV stage with current tapering to 0A.

Clearly your abslolute about Chinese cells doesn't fit. Sorry you had
a bad experience.

David D. Nelson
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