Hello,On El Moto my electric motorcycle conversion
El Moto part 35 First ride with the 2kWh Lithium battery

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El Moto part 35 First ride with the 2kWh Lithium battery
I have battery mounted & everything assembled so, let's see what she can do. |  



I have a circuit breaker mounted in a small plastic box (so all terminals safe 
& covered)

 I am mounting a charge port next to it (for connecting the battery charger)

 My questions are:
 1.) When connecting the charge port, should the positive (+) wire (from the 
charge port) be connected to the Battery side of the circuit breaker or the 
Auxiliary side?

 If it's connected to the battery side, charging could be done with the circuit 
breaker "main cut-off switch" turned "off" 
 (if/by doing it this way the whole bike would be dead/off)
 If it's connected to the Auxiliary side, the circuit breaker "main cut-off 
switch" would have to be turned "on" to charge the battery 
 (if/by doing it this way "some stuff" on the bike would still be live/on)

 * The second way kinda makes me nervous

 2.) Should there be a small fuse (~10A) wired in-line between the charge port 
& the circuit breaker? (for added protection?)

 * It's carrying a "load" so, I would think so

 3.) Should the negative (-) wire (from the charge port) be connected 
"directly" to the negative (-) terminal if the battery?

 * I would think so, where else?

 Any info/input about the "proper" way to do this
…& why, would be greatly appreciated
Thanks,     Kevin  
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