Hollywood Promoting Electric Cars, Sustainability
October 20th, 2018  Matt Pressman

[images  / IMCDB
Tesla Model S in the Deadpool 2 movie
An all-electric Tesla Model S and BMW i3 appear throughout the most recent
season of HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm (Image: IMCDB)
A Tesla Model 3 shows up on The Simpsons
Dinesh’s Tesla Model S played a starring role on the most recent season of
HBO’s Silicon Valley (Image: HBO)

Suits | 'The Tesla' from 103
USA Network’s show “Suits” features a scene starring the original Tesla
Roadster (YouTube: SuitsonUSA)

Tesla’s cars have become popular with many of Hollywood’s biggest stars. But
more recently, many of those who are behind the scenes on today’s television
and movie sets are embracing the electric car and clean energy. Ian Bailey
reports in The Globe and Mail [
] that movies and television shows “with green content can [help] drive
sustainability.” And that’s an important message that can be promoted from
Hollywood to the masses.

Bailey says, “It’s a point the TV and film industries are trying to make
with viewers, in the same way they turned against smoking and other uses of
tobacco in previous decades.” Bailey interviewed Clara George, a producer on
The Arrangement, a television series which included “a subtle nudge to
viewers about the importance of sustainability.” For instance, “Another
character on the show drove a Tesla.”

“People are very worried they are going to have to change their lives
dramatically to take any sustainable steps,” George says. “What we can show
them is, ‘No, you don’t. They can just be in anything.’” She adds, “What
drives me crazy is that people still think it’s a discussion. We need action
now … I don’t think climate change is debatable.”

Zena Harris, creative director of the Sustainable Production Forum at the
Vancouver International Film Festival explains, “We don’t want to
necessarily impact the creative element in terms of story line… But if [a
character] is going to be driving a car somewhere, could that car be an
electric vehicle? This is where we start to normalize behaviors onscreen and
substitute in products and behaviors that are more environmentally

Jeremy Mathieu, a sustainability adviser for the BBC, is reported to have
“encouraged producers to depict electric-car charging points in the
background of a street scene… [and] have characters working in the green
industry and mentioning climate change or pollution as part of a

BBC’s Mathieu adds, “By showing on screen that we understand the changes
that are happening, we can show the audience that we get it, we are with
them in this, we are relevant in this changing world and there is, indeed,
hope that we can address and deal with these major problems.”

Model 3 in Deadpool 2!!!
May 18, 2018
 ... D'oh! Tesla's Elon Musk to Star in a TV Episode of 'The Simpsons'  Aug
01, 2014
Tesla is on HBO's Silicon Valley, but It Comes With Much Criticism ... May
21, 2018
Suits S1: E3. Harvey Buys a 2011 Tesla Roadster
Mar 23, 2018

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