EV <ev-boun...@lists.evdl.org> för Robert Bruninga via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
den 23 oktober 2018 04:52
Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Robert Bruninga
[EVDL] Lithium EV battery in colder weather

> I know that Lithium batteries perform worse at lower temps.  But what does
that mean?
> Charging, or using? which is worse.

The "rule of thumb":
-Avoid any normal/slow charging below zero degrees in cell temp,

(I dont know what that is in the degrees of freedom-scale, lets call it "below 

That rule also apply to deeply frozen laptops, cellphones and so on...

(a sloow trickle charge might be without harm if it is not like 
deep-space-winter-cold standard chemistry cell, just a bit below freezing or 
so. But  I do not know, probably "it depends"..)

Li plating seems real! I think I destroyed a Thundersky, at "only" 0.3C 
charging test at -28'C


Discharging cold cells seems "ok" , if you do Low C-rates.
(May be to run the battery heater for several hours?)

The Thundersky 90Ah cells did perform *extremely* poor in my low temp Discharge 
Like -BAM- down to my cut off at 1.8 volt, with a very weak load..

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