What Happens When An Electric Car Is Hit By Lightning?
October 22, 2018  Zendo Deb     

OK, this one was in a garage, plugged into the grid when the house got hit
by lightning. Close enough. Electri-Fried Fusion [pih

The storm was in September.

    The car had been parked in the detached garage and was plugged into the
grid. But wait, wouldn’t you think a modern electric car would be designed
with a built-in circuit breaker for electrical storms like this? Guess not!
He immediately drove his electric car straight to the Ford dealer and said
something was wrong.

    That was SIX long weeks ago and no end in sight. Turns out the Fusion
had an en-lightning experience and is completely incapacitated. Car
insurance doesn’t know how to deal with electric cars that have been struck
by lightning. They want pictures. Really? What does an electric car
demobilized by lightning look like? Well, the same as an electric car that
hasn’t been struck by lightning. Except none of the 2 separate battery
compartments work now. It turns out the lightning strike blew out the
electrical circuit boards. After weeks of back and forth with the insurance
company, things started progressing. Repair work is underway.

There is a needed part – a circuit board – that won’t be available until
January 15, 2019.

    Wait, the car went into the Dealer’s shop in early September and repairs
will take over five months? Insurance won’t total the car, and nobody knows
how much it will cost to repair this modern, energy efficient, low CO2
emissions electric car. 

The future is stupid.

3 thoughts on “What Happens When An Electric Car Is Hit By Lightning?”

    SiGraybeard says:   
    October 22, 2018 at 11:40

    It surprises me that the car isn’t designed with surge protectors for
the recharge port. For a cheap appliance in your house, that’s how it’s
done, but an electric car is a major purchase with very odd power
requirements, and to expect the buyer to put something like a giant UPS on
the line for the car is odd. It should come with a warning label about power

    Leaving out lightning protection on power lines is something that simply
doesn’t happen in the Hi-Rel world.

    Car manufacturers have to get their act together. They’re moving into a
different world.

        Zendo Deb says: 
        October 22, 2018 at 14:40

        For a simple surge, they work. For a lightning strike, only grounded
lightning arresters work, and even they don’t work all the time. The current
is so high…

        I have surge suppressors on everything, but a lightning strike on a
tree in my neighbors yard took out a computer power supply, an LCD monitor,
and a pair of logitech speakers, and a chromecast’s power supply. It didn’t
fry the TV or the bluray player, which was expected since I hadn’t looked at
TV for about 6 months before the strike.

    SiGraybeard says:   
    October 22, 2018 at 19:34

    While direct strike can be designed for, most people are willing to take
the bet on the stuff that’s much cheaper and will survive 75 % of the cases.
Consumer electronics is generally starting from the awful point of no
protection at all. I don’t want to minimize the problem, it’s just that
other parts of industry know how to design for this, and the car industry
apparently doesn’t.

    In mid-summer of ’17, our TV set was taken out by an induced field from
a strike that hit within a block or so. We think out external HDMI switch
picked up the field and died by itself, which then over volted the TV.
Nothing else in the house was hurt.

    Ground is relative. Aircraft don’t carry ground rods – they use the
airframe. Everything we built played through a strike, including radios that
played through having their antennas hit. The typical commercial aircraft is
hit by lightning once a year – several times if they fly in the tropics.
Every so often, someone catches a photo. If the avionics industry took the
approach of that Ford Fusion, too many planes would be grounded.

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